What a complete waste of money. Even though this product claims to be matte and reduce glare, it simply doesn't do it. There is more reflection of light (especially with indoor lighting and book lights) than there is without the "protector." Definitely do not buy! BoxWave Kindle DX ClearTouch Anti-Glare Screen Protector (Single Pack)
I just got my grandson a Kindle DX for Christmas, which is truly wonderful (I hope he feels the same) I got him the clip light, adaptor, light bulbs and the screen protectors, also. All is wonderful except the screen protectors. They are expensive for what you get, don't exactly fit and there is no way to remove even half of the bubbles, which is extremely aggravating and quite noticed by the child. We ended up taking it off and I doubt it will ever be put back on. Who knew bubbles would drive everyone nuts???
I found little value for the Anti-Glare Protector... I cannot tell the difference between having the Anti-Glare screen protector and not. That said, it does give the Kindle DX screen additional protection from scratches, etc. But at just under $[...] (including standard shipping) it is no bargain!
Obviously does the job of protecting the screen. Not terribly difficult to put on though a little patience smoothing it out is necessary. I found there is a glare which isn't there with a naked screen.
I came here to give this product a 5-star review, and was surprised to see that most reviewers for this product considered it 3 stars or less (21 of 29 people.) If you're trying to decide to buy this or not, that's a lot of unflattering feedback to overcome.
Usually, when I buy a screen protector for things like cell phones, I opt for Zagg protector. But for the Kindle DX, this Boxwave screen protector is by far better than Zagg. However, the Boxwave is much harder to install satisfactorily. But if you succeed, it is practically indistinguishable from the DX's own screen.
First a few comments comparing Boxwave to Zagg, and then a few secret-squirrel tips for a perfect Boxwave installation:
* Zaggs are slightly stretchy, which means they can tolerate dust underneath them a little better, without forming visible bubbles. Boxwaves will form a bubble with even the tiniest spec underneath. (But see my tips below.)
* By itself, the Kindle has a kind of mild glare that scientists call a "diffuse reflection". Boxwaves have a diffuse reflection that is essentially identical to the Kindle's own, meaning that you (or at least, I) cannot tell any difference between them. Zaggs suffer from harsh glare ("specular reflection" in nerd-speak,) which makes them very annoying on a Kindle's otherwise gorgeous screen. This is a big deal.
So despite the Zagg's superiority when it comes to bubbles, I have to recommend the Boxwave for Kindle due to the glare factor.
Now for my installation tips:
* If possible, buy this Boxwave protector at the same time you buy your DX. The DX will come with a temporary screen protector, which will keep the screen dust free until you are ready to install the Boxwave.
* You want the air in the room to be as free from dust as you can manage. So, when you are ready for the install:
0. Read all these directions before you start.
1. Go to your smallest bathroom, turn on the shower as hot as it will go. If there's a window in there, shut it. Then leave for a few minutes with the door shut. You want the room to get fairly steamy, like until your entire bathroom mirror is fogged up.
2. If you have centralized air, turn it off. Since our goal is to get all the dust out of the bathroom air, the last thing you want is fresh dust blown in through the A/C vent.
3. Once the mirror is fully fogged, turn off the shower, then shut the bathroom door and let the room settle for a while. When the air inside the bathroom no longer feels thick with moisture, you can begin the installation. (NOTE: try not to open and close the door more than necessary. Obviously, you'll have to at least once. But open and close it *very* slowly, so as not to kick up dust. It doesn't take much air movement at all to get dust airborne.)
4. Take your DX and your Boxwave in there. TAKE A ROLL OF SCOTCH TAPE WITH YOU. (And possibly UNPOWDERED latex gloves, too.) SLOWLY shut the door.
5. Put on the UNPOWDERED latex gloves, if you've got 'em. This *might* help keep dust from your own fingers from getting on the sticky side of the Boxwave. (I never tried this, myself.)
6. If you heeded my advice above about leaving the original temporary protector over the Kindle's screen, remove it now.
7. Apply the Boxwave as per its instructions. It will probably take several attempts/retries before you get it squared up correctly on the Kindle screen. I start from the top edge (farthest away from my body,) and work towards the bottom.
8. If you get small bubbles: they might be air pockets, or they might be dust. If you can move the bubble with the squeegie card that came with the Boxwave, then it's an air pocket; just keep moving it to the edge of the Boxwave, and then it will be gone for good. If you can't move the bubble, or it flattens away and then reappears, you've got some dust trapped.
9. Dealing with trapped dust:
* Roll up a small length of scotch tape, sticky side out.
* Lift up just enough of the Boxwave to get access to the dust particle.
* Use rolled-up scotch tape to remove dust stuck to either the Boxwave, or to the Kindle.
* Reapply Boxwave
NOT WORTH $24.95 HERE IS WHY: I Applied it just as directed in the instructions and there are still small bubbles visible on the screen. This is very distracting while trying to read. I wrote to the Box Wave Company about this issue and they did not address the bubbles but talked about DUST,here is what they said (I cut and pasted from email): Applying a large piece screen protector unit can be a bit more difficult for first time users. Fortunately, the ClearTouch has the washable and reusable feature that allows you to try again if the first attempt wasn't successful. I just want to make sure that you are aware of this and are getting the most use out of your purchase.
A tip to a successful application is to apply the ClearTouch in a dust-free environment. You can do this at home by applying the ClearTouch in your bathroom after a hot-shower. The steam in the bathroom can help prevent dust or lint from getting on to your screen during the application.
You can also remove any additional dust particles with a piece of scotch tape. Simply use the tape to "un-stick" the debris.
I would suggest not peeling the whole cover off when applying to the Kindle. Instead, peel back the backing on the cover about 1 inch from the bottom and place it on the bottom of the Kindle screen and gently keep peeling back the cover until you reach the top of the Kindle.
I did exactly as directed again, NO DUST but, still tiny bubbles.... - Kindle Screen Protector - Kindle Dx Accessories - Screen Protector - Kindle'
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