I debated long and hard between getting the Excursion 5 and the Seahawk II. I wanted a boat that I could immediately take out and go rowing, but one that is durable (sometimes there are branches sticking up in the shallow river here) and comfortable. I also wanted to get a boat that I could eventually mount a motor on in the future.
After reading tons of reviews -- and going to the Intex website and other forums -- I bought the Excursion 5 because some forums said the Seahawk II doesn't have motor mount points (this is not true -- it would be nice if Amazon's site would specify this) and some people on here commented that the Excursion 5 is made out of the same "Super-Tough" material as the Seahawk II (this is also not true, but it's very confusing and even the Intex website doesn't make it clear. The Seahawk II is more rigid, can be inflated to higher pressure, and is more puncture-resistant because it is actually a 3-ply system including Super-Tough PVC OVER a nylon fabric layer -- neither Amazon nor Intex website make this clear. I found out through the Cabela's website)
As soon as the Excursion 5 arrived, I realized I had bought the wrong boat for rowing my girlfriend and I around. The boat is too wide and oars too short to really reach into the water well, and the oar locks are fixed in place -- not rotational like the Seahawk II. These two factors make the boat nearly impossible to row.
I immediately ordered the Seahawk II and have taken it out and it is great to row around in (comfy for 2 people, I don't see how you could fit 3.) I thought about what to do with the Excursion 5, and I've decided to keep it because it is a bigger boat and seems like it could be fun to take a larger group (up to 4) people out on it, once I get a motor and mount.
So I want to set the record straight if you are debating between these boats like I was:
1) The Seahawk II is more rigid and durable than any other Intex boats except the Mariner. The Excursion 5 vinyl is nice and thick, but it's still soft and I am still concerned it could rupture if I hit a branch or rock the wrong way.
2) Many of the Intex boats have motor mount setup, including the Seahawk II -- the Excursion 5 can only support up to 1.5 hp because it is not as rigid (the Seahawk II is rated up to 2 hp and Mariner up to 3 hp)
3) The Excursion 5 is a bit bigger, so if you need to fit 3 or more people, it might be the boat for you.
4) Don't expect to go rowing in the Excursion 5. Get a narrower boat, preferably with rotational/swivel oar locks. Maybe if you had 4 people paddling (with an extra set of oars) the Excursion might work okay. Intex Seahawk II Boat Set
A couple of months ago we wanted to go rafting down the Truckee river in Lake Tahoe, but they wanted to charge us $35 per person and it was already late too. So we decided to come back some other time with our own boat and gear. About a month ago, I bought a Seahwak II inflatable boat from Amazon and some life saver vests for my boys. I had no previous experience rafting down a river, so I wanted to be cautious. The weather forecast was more windy and colder than the day before. However, after 3 and a half hours of rafting we made it! There were times when I thought the boat was just gonna break from the rocks and tree branches hanging on the river. Other times when the river became more aggressive we just hold to the boat really hard and the boat did pretty good. I was really impressed that at the end of the trip after hitting rocks, branches and bridges columns the boat looked like new. We saw other boats almost full of water and just about to die, but our boat looked just fine. I would highly recommend this awesome boat.
This is the best inflatable boat. Very stable, i have a minn kota 55lb trolling motor and they are great together (you will need the motor mount, you can make it or buy it). None other boat under 400 can out perform this one, except the Intex Mariner perhap. But that one is too heavy and expensive. However, like an inflatable, rowing is a challenge. If you want this infltables to last, DON'T OVER-INFLATE, DON'T LEAVE IT UNDER THE SUN MORE THAN YOU HAVE TO.
-Easy to pump up
-Can sit on sides of boat without tipping over or water getting in
-Can stand up in it though probably not recommended
-Good quality material...survived an entire day of being scraped over large river rocks
-Good for the price
-Large enough for 3 people to be comfortable
-You won't be getting it back in the bag after you take it out. You will have to buy a bigger bag, or carry/drag it inflated.
We took this boat over smaller rapids on a river with a lot of rocks. Very sturdy and didn't feel like it was going to turn over at any time.
Overall I think this is a great buy. The only bad thing I can say about it is the bag. - Boat - Raft - Boating - Intex'
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