The picture with the "Snaplight" word is not the product that I received. Instead, I received a similar product of the "Mayday" brand with a different packaging.
The Snaplight brand is from Cyalume, a more expensive brand. Even though this seller did not put Cyalume anywhere in the description, the pictures are misleading and false. The Snaplight brand also shows a yellow packaging with yellow light which doesn't match the green light description.
The product works and glows but not as brightly as Cyalume or other brands. You get what you paid for. Pack of 10 Cyalume SnapLight Light Stick Green 12-Hour for Emergency Disaster Preparedness
I'm the kind of person who likes to test their gear before relying on it in the backwoods, so I cracked one of these as soon as I opened the package. I was easily able to navigate around a pitch-black house and yard, without the benefit of any other artificial light. It was brighter than other glow sticks I've tried (Coleman brand, for example), and was still putting out enough light to read by a full 12 hours later. The plastic walls are angled instead of round, and are thicker than any others I've tried, which means they should hold up well against accidental cracking in the backpack. No lanyards are included, FYI, but I don't consider that too much of a detriment. Overall: great product, very reasonable price.
I bought this set as it came with 10 sticks so i could actually test one before hand. I normally test all my things out before heading into the bush. I set it up at midnight and had it in my room until the next day. Normally with lights its harder to sleep but this light was mediocre at best. It had half strenght light compared to a normal glow stick or other brands/versions like the military grade. If i was trying to signal someone then i would be alright however these should be used as an emergency only type if you do buy them. If i lost my crank light, this would keep me comfort, but dont provide enough light to go wandering with it. At best they get a three out of five mainly for quanity, not quality.
I tested these against an old set of Ever Ready Light Sticks I got from Amazon about 3 years ago. These only lasted about 6 hours where the Ever Ready Lightsticks lasted the full 12 hours. Unfortunately I can't find the Ever Ready on Amazon but hope they bring them back. You can get the Ever Ready brand here: [...]
I hope Amazon will read this and bring in a better supplier and a little testing. I am very disappointed. Now I need to carry twice as many or shell out more money.
Update: I found light sticks that will last 12 hours right here on Amazon and are much brighter they are military grade. Here is the name: "10 Pack NSN 6260-01-074-4229 - 6 in. ChemLight Light Sticks - Green - 12 Hours - Military Grade - Cyalume 9-42290PF".
They are more expensive but in the long run you will get your money back because they do last 12 hours often longer. Hope this helps.
These Light Sticks are very bright and lasted longer than ten hours for us. The light sticks we were sent from "BP Medical Supplies" are yet a different brand than pictured in the Amazon product picture and also in one of the "Customer Images", so I posted a picture of ours.
These light sticks are manufactured for "Ever Ready First Aid" and did not list an expiration date, which is a little bit of a concern for me since these are destined for my emergency kit. As noted above, the light we tested was very bright so they likely are good for several more years since other brands have a listed shelf-life of up to four years.
Although they are not the brand shown I am happy with these, but I also can't recommend them since it is not certain which brand will be sent when next ordered.
Ordered this product, when it came in we tested several of the sticks at 4th of July, and they glowed pretty brightly and with a nice color, but of the 4 we tested 3 burned out in 8hrs and the other only lasted about 9 1/2. Still a good long glow, but not the 12hrs advertised.
The product I received was Safety Bright 6" light stick by Cyalume light technology (made in USA). Ordered from BP Medical supplies, received package via USPS in a bubblewrapped mail envelope with the individual sticks lumped together. The items arrived in fine condition. Price paid $10.77 w/ free shipping.
Like other reviewers, I also received "novelty - entertainment" brand lightsticks from Northern Lights rather than the CYALUME sticks shown in the product image. Now, I have not tested them and for all I know they work great but I don't like these "bait & switch" tactics. If it's marketed as "Emergency/Disaster Preparedness" DON'T send me toys.
I tested a few of these as soon as they arrived. They are sold as "12-Hour" the ones I tested lasted between 3-4 hours at best. None failed to light, but 12-Hour claim is a huge exaggeration. I would not buy these again. Buyer Beware! - Emergency - Preparedness - Emergency Kits - Camping'
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