First off, I'm in my early 20's and have combination type skin with occasional, mild to moderate acne. I used nearly two whole ProActiv systems before switching to a Neutrogena kit and have found that this clears up my skin much better and faster. I find it very convenient that the Day Lotion includes SPF 15, whereas the ProActiv Repairing Lotion doesn't, even though ProActiv advises you to use sunscreen with their system when going outside. That would probably prompt you to buy their oil-free moisturizer with SPF 15 as well ($$ smart business move $$), thus adding another step to your skin-care regimen. I would recommend anyone with my acne/skin type who is thinking about subscribing to ProActiv to try Neutrogena first.
Anyway, the Neutrogena kit lasts around 5 months for me. I still get an occasional zit or two, but with less frequency than I did in the past. I use a Neutrogena Rapid Clear spot gel for that with success.
Word of advice: It might be best if you shake the tube of acne cleanser before you start using it. When I was finishing up what was left of the last tube I used, I discovered that all the "micro-fine beads" were gathered there, afloat at the very top somehow. I've been wondering where those were all along... Neutrogena Complete Acne Therapy System
I am in my early 30's and have been experiencing severe and embarassing break-outs along my jaw line, chin and cheeks for the past couple of years. I have tried Murad, Proactiv, AcneFree and many other systems without success.
A month ago I picked up the Neutrogena system when I saw it on sale. Within five days days my skin started to clear. Now, I have a completely clear complexion and have not had a single break-out since starting the system. I have had no problems with drying and my skin is much softer than before. Finally, a product that works and comes at a decent price!
First of all, I understand that not every product will work for every individual. But, this one is far exceeding my expectations. I did some research online before I bought this. What I found was that what seemed to work the best for people was a combination of salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. I looked at the wide array of acne treatments I had at home and they were ALL salicylic acid, but no benzoyl peroxide. I thought it was worth a shot.
I'm 35 and acne runs in my family. My mom still has it. I was starting to develop very deep, painful acne that would heal in one place and then show up in another place. Nothing I was doing was getting rid of it. I found this Neutrogena system and I noticed some improvement the very next day. I'm a little over a week into it now and I can't believe the improvement! I'm going to recommend this product to anyone I know who battles with acne, like I did.
Realistically, I know I'll probably still have the occasional breakout. But this worked wonders on the constant problems I was experiencing before. One of the things I REALLY like about this, is it's only 2 steps. Wash and moisturize/protect. I don't have the time or the patience for a whole routine with various products. I love that I just have to wash and apply cream. Overall I think this is a wonderful product and half the price of Proactiv (which I understand is a 3 step process anyway).
I'm 29 and NEVER even had so much as a tiny pimple anywhere...until I got pregnant. My daughter is now 3 and I've been struggling with acne ever since. I get large, deep, cystic acne on my chin and sometimes on my forehead, and tiny, puss filled pimples on my neck, chest and back. I have tried Proactive for months on end with far less results than were worth the time and effort of all the steps involved (and the price). I have tried a variety of precriptions for washes and ointments/foams/creams from my dermatologist including Benzaclyin, Evoclin, Tazarac Cream, Clenia, and Zyiana. Some dried my skin out so badly that it actually cracked and was very painful, some didn't dry the pimples out enough, and some would clear up breakouts, but not prevent future outbreaks. None of them came with a moisturizer, so I never knew how to fight off the dryness. I was always afraid that using a drugstore moisturizer would defeat the effects of the meds by clogging my pores and causing more breakouts, so I'd just suffer with uncomfortable and ugly flaking skin in hopes that the acne would atleast stop. No such luck.
I have been using the Neutrogena system for about 2 weeks, and I can confidently say that this is going to be the LAST acne regimin I will ever follow again. When I bought the set at Target, it came with a free bottle of the spot treatment, which I think is vital to the success of this system. Within a few days, I noticed that the tiny pimples on my chest were drying out and no new pimples were forming anywhere. Now, almost all of the pimples - even the deep ones on my chin - are either gone, or DRAMITICALLY reduced. I will also add that I started this system about 12 days before I expected my period knowing that the worst pimples of the month were on their way. I did experience a bit of drying, but nothing that was at all painful or really red and irritated. The best thing about this system is that it comes with a daytime moisturizer, so your skin will never be cracking and flaking the way it would with other treatements. The slight drying was actually beneficial for me because I have olive skin, and I get hyperpigmentation (dark marks) where pimples were. They normally take several weeks to fade, but the drying effect of the nightime acne lotion helped to really exfoliate those spots and the result has been a dramatic lightening of those marks.
I would definately recommend giving this system a try. Get the spot treatment as well. I started out using the wash and night time acne lotion as well as the spot treatment at night, and then the wash and moisturizer during the day. Now that most of the pimples have cleared up, I'm not using the spot treatment. There are so few steps to this system - it's not time consuming or tedius to keep up with. It's affordable (the bottles are large enough to last over a month even if you're using them on your back, chest and face as I am), it's quick, easy, and most of all, effective. - Skin Care - Neutrogena - Facial Cleanser - Acne Treatment'
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