Susan Samtur is the coupon queen and has previously written Cashing in at the Checkout; and appeared on many TV shows giving breathtaking demonstrations of saving money at grocery store checkouts. This book will show you how and convince you that it is worth doing. My only complaint is that, having been a confirmed coupon, sale, rebate user for years, I cannot agree on the little amount of time it takes her to accomplish her amazing goals.
For those of you that feel $20 saved on every $100 spent is terrific, she can show you how to save more, and even if you do not use all of her methods, including saving proofs of purchases and squashed boxes for rebates you can still bank much more than you are doing.
There are great hints for filing and storing and using coupons. She has charts on how to save more money at supermarkets with sales and coupons than at the super stores with bulk items - something that will come as a surprise to many shoppers.
There are web sites to get coupons, including hers and major manufactures and stores. She gives good hints on marketing techniques and the store's practice of moving goods around, so you have to spend longer looking for items and may be tempted to purchase other items.
If you are already a dedicated, organized coupon user, rebate mailer there is probably not much new for you in this book. However, if not you can probably use these hints and determination to save money. This would also make a good gift for those just graduating or starting to live out on their own, even if they have watched you- the supper shopper for years. Supershop like the Coupon Queen: How to Save 50% or More Every Time You Shop
If you like paying for everything offered, then this book might be for you. I find that in order to take advantage of this book, one must purchase from Susan many other things. Nothing is free. I much prefer the Coupon Mom book. She charge nothing and has a great set up.
So, if you want to spend bucks to get into couponing go ahead and follow susan samtur.
Written by the original coupon queen, there was little I learned from this book that I couldn't learn from the Internet. There are better books about couponing than this. The author directs the reader to her website which she makes sound like there is a lot of resources available to the new couponer. There might be but you have to pay to join. I felt very deceived. - Saving Money - Coupon Organizer - Budget - Shopping'
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