I'm an old school musician. Good ears. Good cables have always been a must: Always just for durability and insulation. But the new high tech very expensive types that enhance bass or treble? This is a newer concept. I compared video cables on my DVD player: Component. Both Monster. One 30 dollars the other 120$. There was enough of a difference to gulp and buy the 120$ one. Because of this difference I tried with audio. These audio cables do make a difference if you have the equipment that "hears" the response. If you have expensive equipment it makes no sense to get cheap cables. Like putting low octane fuel in a Ferrari. If you don't care or the equipment is general quality then any Monster will cover you for insulation. It always makes sense to get better cables that come with the equipment. These cables are the lowest of the high-end types that enhance the quality of the sound in specific ways. Good enough for me. They sound great. Crisp and rich. Gives me a bit more volume also. And just to note: These cables have an arrow on them which tells you which way the sound needs to travel. The arrow points toward the player from the source. Monster ULT I600-4 Ultra 600 RCA Stereo Cables (4 feet)
I have used every version of Monster's audio interconnect cables and the THX version has two issues that should be "fixed". When connecting to the RCA jacks the turbine-cut connector is too stiff and too tight and you risk damage to the RCA jack and your fingers. I used 3 pair of these to make the connection for SACD and each of the 6 varied from hard to near-impossible to push on (they all had to be "stretched" by putting them on a non-functioning RCA jack where I could at least get leverage, but inconsistent fit and difficult even then). This exposed the second issue; the connectors are big and just barely fit side-by-side as is required in a analog multi-channel array (SACD or DVD). And this array makes getting all 12 connectors secured (6 on each end) a ridiculous task. I appreciate the need for a good secure connection but this is not it.
OK the cables are good once on and function perfectly on the SACD playbacks. The price is good but you do get what you pay for...inexpensive AudioQuest would have been 3 times higher...$180 v $60.
I've read reviews complaining about the "overly tight fit". I disagree completely. You want them to be on tight and grip well. The turbine cut collar will open up slightly if you twist clockwise as you insert or remove them, as soon as you stop twisting it chomps down again. These are very rugged cables: they're stiffer than most and the RCA connector is longer than most, make sure you have room behind your gear before you open up and install a bunch of sets of them. They have a directional arrow for the signal direction. I don't know why, there certainly isn't a diode in them. I guess all cords come with magic in them now. Do they sound better? I'm not sure, but willing to believe they do. I didn't A/B test them, but they sound great. I have then between an Arcam CD player and a vacuum tube Audio Research preamp, and from that preamp to a vacuum tube Audio Research power amp.
When I got a new flat screen TV, I wanted to make sure I had the best cables for audio. The clips are strong and obviously more durable than your basic cables. The gold-plated connectors ensure full signal transfer with no glitches. Because these cables are 2-way balanced bandwidths, your treble and bass signals are much clearer and crisper with no `crackles' or `drop-outs'. If that weren't enough, you would pay more than three times this price at any electronics store. Good stuff, plus THX (George Lucas) approved.
Caution: This model is only four feet in length!
Here's a review on these Monster Cables I bought. So many people buy these cables but at full retail then they review and complain about them being over priced. I buy them at discounts like this, I mean it's $16 for a $50 retail cable. why not buy it? it's like buying a $2 cable that just works. With these you get the cable with extra insulation, Gold color connectors, super tight connection, a nice looking jacket around the internal wire(s), they look good and hey you can even tear em' apart if you want to lol. anyway, I've stuck with Monster just because it's a good looking and good cable and you can get them cheap. I'll never pay full retail for any of them nor will I ever come close to it, that's pointless when you can get them at a price like this. I've personally never had any problems with them, but they are very tight connecting.
I fell in love with Monster Cable when I first got into serious A/V more than 10 years ago. Their 600 series is their "good" line out of "good, better, and best" but don 't liet that turn you away. The construction and copper in these are still FAR better than that of a normal cable and even other so called premium cables. Heavy guage/High purity copper wiring, a rigid external jacket to prevent damage, and 24ct gold connections make these cables a must for any person serious about their sound. - Video Games - Analog - Rca Cables - Monster'
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