I was originally going to buy a rotary tool and all of the accessories separate. But this package deal has everything I wanted. If you want all the accessories, I recommend this package. I added it all up, and it saved me around $75 compared to buying everything separate. Probably even more if I had to pay shipping on some of the accessories.
There are three things I don't exactly like about it though, but they aren't too bad if you know about them ahead of time.
First, the threads to attach the flex shaft, planer, or finger grip are plastic. I have a very strong grip, and am always twisting things very very tight. I twisted a little too hard when attaching the planer and broke some of the threads on the rotary tool itself (which cannot be replaced without replacing the whole tool by the way). So, just be careful and don't over tighten attachments, and you will be fine.
Second, the tool is surprisingly heavy and is pretty big. It makes it hard to do some of the finer projects I was wanting to do because it's weight and size makes it awkward to handle. But I recommend getting the workstation/drill press to hold the tool while you use the flex shaft attachment. You can use the flex shaft without mounting the tool, but it gets in the way and moves around on the bench while working.
Third, the toolbox it all comes in doesn't really hold everything very well. But that is pretty common with power tools these days isn't it? Anyway, just get yourself a bigger compartmental tool box (or large tackle box), and you will be fine. Just don't get the grey plastic "Dremel 9673 Deluxe Window Rotary Tool and Accessory Storage Case". I purchased it, and it is solid plastic (including hinges) and doesn't hold everything that comes in this kit. It isn't made for accessories, just the tool and a few bits.
One other recommendation is that you shouldn't use it on it's lowest speed setting often. I made the mistake of trying to plane down an edge of a shelf that was sticking out a quarter of an inch on a bookshelf a built. It jumped all over the place at the lowest setting and damaged the shelf. But at the higher speeds, it worked flawlessly, and I was even able to repair my mistake. And remember, let the speed do the work for you, not pressure. Every time I try to add more pressure to make my job go quicker, I end up getting less than perfect results. This tool does the job by its speed. Always remember that, and you will be very happy with this tool set.
(Oh, and shame on the guy who gave three stars and didn't even open the package). Dremel 4000-6/50 120-Volt Variable-Speed Rotary Kit
Handy tool to get into places larger tool are unable. The example I most recently had was the repair of a rotary spreader but couldn't get it apart because of bolts coroded and rusted by fertilizer and time. I was able to cut the bolts because of the small size of the tool and was able to get to the bolts and cut them quickly too I would add because of the speed. I have many futue uses for this small and powerful tool.
The Dremel 4000 I purchased as part of the 6-50 kit has proven to be an excellent addition to my collection of tools. Some examples of how I have used the Dremel 4000 include: removing a rusty section of exhaust pipe on my wife's car with the flex shaft attachment and a EZ-Lock metal disk, cleaning an aluminum casting with with a wire wheel to repair the compressor for an air-suspension pump, removing plastic with a ball-burr to replace a DC power jack in a laptop with a more readily available one.
I plan on purchasing the 220-01 workstation to use the Dremel as a high rpm drill press for circuit boards. The number and uses of attachments for this tool is pretty amazing.
I also like that the brushes and all of the components can be replaced using hand tools if the need arises.
Lastly, as a machinist for many years, I appreciate the importance of feeds and speeds of a cutting tool in a given material. The Dremel.com website gives easy access to base RPM for a cutting tool in a specific material.
I would strongly suggest purchasing this tool to anyone that is considering it.
I had an old model 395 which went bad after 25 years and thousands of hours of use and abuse. I needed a new one so I purchased the 400xpr model which only last 6 months and burned up. I was upset because I hadn't saved the receipt. I sent the tool back with a note explaining the problem and within 10 days I had a new 4000 which is working great for me. They realized the 400 had a problem which is why it has been discontinued. 5 year warantee!!!! Great customer service!
First of all I'd like to say that I have been using Dremel rotary tools for many years. I have enjoyed using this tool and had always found it to be reliable. Then, I bought the Dremel 4000 and the flex shaft, of which I had used the flex shaft many times in the past and always had it connected. The first day the flex shaft snapped, then the Dremel stopped working. I "burned it in" as they say by following the directions and running the Dremel 4000 at full rpms for 5 minutes. Having thought that I MUST have done something wrong, it is Dremel after all, I bought a second 4000 and another flex shaft. I burned the dremel in, and it stopped working as well. I went to the Dremel site, and low and behold NUMEROUS complaints abound on their message board about this very thing. Needless to say I see no point in buying another 4000 as they simply are not what they once were. The first dremel I ever purchased was in 1991 and it was a great tool that lasted through everything that I needed it for without fail. With the 4000 I simply feel cheated and cannot understand why Dremel hasn't addressed these problems in their rotary tool and stopped selling them. It's not like I abuse my tools, I use them for what they are intended to be used for. And even treating the second 4000 with kid gloves it still stopped working. Not once, but twice. I can even see getting a lemon occasionally but having purchased 2, and then reading the problems others are having on Dremels own message boards, I have decided to go with another product. The Dremel 4000 is a waste of money unless they address the problem of these things breaking down repeatedly.
While I love the functionality of the Dremel and all the various attachments that they provide for their customers it simpy isn't a good investment. I hope they meet the challenge of re-engineering this tool. I miss it in my shop.'
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