After we weared it out for more than a year now, phi-ten really works. At begining, I were wondering what it was and now, I confirmed that phiten really magically make your sore hands and backs and legs go away while you wear them. I bought all kinds phi-ten bracelet, clothes and necklace etc. and plan to gave them to my parent and friends that may benefit from this techonology. Phiten MLB Authentic Bracelet, New York Yankees, Medium (6.75 Inches)
I purchased this bracelet for myself for the baseball season. My husband's use of alternative magnetic therapy for the aches in his hands from being a delivery driver convinced me to try it myself for my arthritic hands. And it really does the edge off the aching.
I ordered a Large (new) bracelet and today I got in the mail my item but it was a opened Small Yankees Phiten one.. I emailed this vendor earlier and only to get a mail back of a automatic reply telling me to leave feedback.. Im grateful I got at least something beacuse something beats nothing but this being my first true amazon third party purchase first ever I cant believe I got ripped off like this. Like im truely unhappy and now will be weary of third party purchases. Please be careful if your purchaseing from this vendor. ~Chuck
So looks cool, get a lot of compliments. The one thing is that it is does a little small, go for the larger size. I got the Medium, but it just fits around my wrist, should have gotten the Large. Also the color of the blue is a little faded, was expecting it to me more vibrant. I got more because it had the Yankee colors and logo, didn't get it for the titanium properties.
Seriously, even though the price is $7.44 this bracelet is the real deal its no fake, if ordered on phiten.com its 25, i know most of the necklaces sold on here for less than 20 are most likely fake(unless the seller is amazon llc or anything that says fulfilled by amazon) but this bracelet is the real deal....plus it really works, dont know if its a placebo effect or not but it works
I'm currently wearing this item; only wished they were available in a quarter size smaller (6.50) due to my smaller wrist size. Other than that, it looks great along with my matching Yankees "power" necklace. - Magnetic Therapy'
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