... I am a general Contractor and I build mostly new construction houses and specialize in finish trim. I've used various different trim guns, some like the Porta-Cable, Duo Fast, and Senco, in my opinon are to bulky and heavy or are just not layed out well especially for a left hander. Recently I had a bostich 15 gauge angle gun that was oiless and seemed designed very well but it lasted less then 3 months, I had it replaced and the next one the drive pin broke in less then 8 months. By this time Dewalt had their gun out and I was tired of replacing the Bostich. I liked the look and feel of the Dewalt gun so I decided to give it a try, so far I have not been disappointed!! The weight of the Dewalt is just right and probably one of the lightest in its class. One writer says they tested the weight of the Bostich and the Dewalt and the Dewalt was "so much heavier". Even if their scale was right believe me you won't feel it. A few writers have complained about the fireing of this Dewalt. To this I say, if you can't handle the bump and fire trigger change it with the other trigger provided by Dewalt, but for the professionals, like myself, who have to use this gun all day it is one of the best features of the gun and one I look for. When needing to nail a lot of base or crown the time and effort this feature saves is great. The depth setting is very easy and accessible and the unjaming is easy. Maybe the simpless and yet best thought out feature of this gun is the belt hook. Try climbing a 24' extension latter with crown in one hand and a nail gun in the other just a few times and you will know what I am talking about. Loading the gun for the first time can be intimidating to some people especially if you haven't read the manual, maybe that is why some have complained about it. Really though, it give you more versatility then most guns. You can load it first and then pull the spring back, or pull the nail spring back, lock it, and then load the nails. The only reason I didn't give this gun a 5th * is that I have not had enough time with it to truly prove its durability. I have found one thing that troubles me and maybe it is just this particular gun, or the genaric nails I tried using, or even my fault for letting a little rust get on it, but from time to time it will not fire a nail. It seems that the spring may not be pushing the nails to the head enough, however I did not notice this in the begining so it may be a problem caused by something and not the guns fault at all. So far, over all, I have found this gun to be the best I have used, other then this problem. The line of sight is great, the safty boot cover is one of the best and does not seem to come off or get in the way as so may do. The popular Senco nails seem to work a little nicer then the Bostich nails of my old guns as well, but maybe thats all in my head! To sum it all up, this trim gun is another great offering by Dewalt, and I think if those who have had doubts take alittle more time to get to know their gun they would find it works!!! and works well!!! DEWALT D51275K 1-1/4-Inch to 2-1/2-Inch 15-Gauge Angled Finish Nailer Kit
I own both this gun and DeWALT's 18 ga. nailer. I have owned and used this gun for 2 years and have nothing but praise. It's funny, Home Depot used to carry these but gave up because so many people refused to change from other brands. Too bad for them!!! This gun is light but strong. A previous review had indicated that nails are difficult to find. What? This gun accepts all 15 gauge finish nails. Believe me I have used them all. I have run countless nails through this gun and have never had any issues with it.
Some features that I like:
1.The magazine is very easy to load.
2. Indexed depth setting is easy to use and requires no tools.
3. I can adjust the exhaust airflow to any direction. This is nice so it doesn't blow a piece of sawdust into my eyes.
4. If you jam a nail you can open up the firing head without the use of tools to free the squished nail.
I have used this gun on 6 inch crown molding, baseboard, installing doors and cabinetry. I have no complaints. I have no suggestions to make it better. It's perfect as far as I am concerned.
Update: add another year of use to this nailer. Still works flawlessly.
I have been a General Contractor, Trim Carpenter & Cabinet Builder throughout my 16 years in the industry and have used a lot of different nail guns. Out of all of the 15ga nailers I've owned (senco, bostich, porter), this is truly the best of the best. Just the feel of the gun is very impressive to say the least, whatever the weight. This nailer is VERY easy to use, even at 120 psi the depth stop does it's job, more than I can say for my porter, which I GAVE away after using this for a while. I've been through about 6 boxes(18000) of Senco nails and yet to have a double-tap with the bump-action trigger and it hasn't jammed even once, not quite the record with the senco or bostich. This gun sinks the nail-heads consistently and has NO kick when driving through knots. And the fact that the no-mar foot doesn't leave it's "initials" in Redwood was outstanding! I would recommend this DeWalt 15ga Nail Gun to anyone who has the need or desire for one.
The reviewer from Virginia which gave this tool a poor rating (*)does not understand how the trigger safety or the loading mechanism works. May be he should read the manual. I have owned many different brands of nailers of various types and as a finish carpenter I feel this is the best It has the clearest view of the nail target, that is a safey feature, is the best out there because it is open in front even with the rubber cover on the tip. Professionals rarely complain about a bump trigger(you still have to hold the trigger and depress the tool to fire?) and besides they give you a sequential trip too! Oliless would be nice but it may have a longer life as a lubricated tool. Also it uses the most common senco type nail. You cannot go wrong with this item. - Finish Nailer - Dewalt Nailer - Finish Nailers - Nail Gun'
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