We have used these grates all year and love them. Easy clean-up -- can go right in the dishwasher (when we get back from camping!) The other reviewer needs to remember that the grates are non-stick, so SOS pads can be a little rough on them. Coleman does now make a cast iron grill grate for the Roadtrip grill. Maybe they need to get those instead. Coleman RoadTrip Cast Aluminum Accessory Grill
These grill grates are very nice, but you have to treat them the same way you treat any piece of non-stick cookware. Rule #1: no metal implements. You have to use nylon or wood implements or you'll scratch the nonstick coating off. Rule #2: use plain sponges or abrasive pads that are non-stick safe only (usually the blue pads). SOS pads and other green pads can scour through metal and will definitely remove the non-stick coating.
After using my Road Trip for about a year, I'm beginning to see flaking of the non-stick coating. They still work great, but take a little more effort to completely clean. I'm probably going to try the cast iron grill grate next.
I like my Coleman Road Trip Grill. I took it to a park as a backup, but ended up using it for our party. I had the grill for a few years, and never had problem with it. But at the end of the party, when the grease begin to burn. The Al grll melted. I am going to order a cast Fe this time.Coleman RoadTrip Cast Aluminum Accessory Griddle
I purchased this grill because it was aluminum and had a non stick coating. They clean up easily unfortunately the non stick coating is very thin and comes off using a scotch brite sponge. I knew to be careful but didn't think I had to be that careful. I assumed it would be as durable as most non stick appliances. So much for assuming. Cast iron may of been a better long term choice.
I ordered 2 relplacement grills for my Coleman roadtrip grill. It came with cast iron grills but I ordered one cast iron and one aluminum by mistake. The aluminum was so much lighter and appears to be easier to clean. I sent back the cast iron and ordered the second aluminum one. Haven't cooked on it yet but I think it will be much easier to clean. - Grill - Grilling - Camping Grills - Coleman Grill'
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