DC Comics, Hasbro and other Marvel Comics productions NOT involving CAPTAIN AMERICA take note... CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER got it right - THIS is how you make a superhero movie!!
1) DO humanize your hero but not by creating disgusting habits in him (Iron Man) - rather by presenting him as the personified goodness all humans possess but infrequently act on. DON'T turn him into a total pathetic wuss and moronic jerk at the beginning only to turn the improbable light switch for him to become the hero he's supposed to be.
2) DO showcase the central character in ALL his comic book glory and yes, a little patriotic flag waving doesn't hurt. Um, he is suppeosed to be an AMERICAN hero after all not just a "citizen of the world." DON'T be ashamed of the golden legacy that turned an imagined character into an enduring icon of American culture. (Superman Returns and Smallville - I'm thinking of you.)
3) DO stick to ONE story thread and carry it to completion. DON'T try to "add depth and diversity" by intoducing a bunch of superfluous characters that only serve to create a mess (Green Lantern, G.I. Joe and again, Smallville).
4) DO give the superhero a supervillain worthy of him. DON'T save the good stuff for a planned sequel because if your original movie sucks, the sequel becomes very unlikely (Superman Returns - Spacey's version of Lex Luthor was laughable and not in a good way. The first Hulk - his own father???)
5) DO bring out the trumpets and flurries for a memorable theme song. DON'T rely on cheesy heavy metal "music" (Matrix movies).
6) DO allow the superhero to fall long and hard for the ONE true love of his life and vice versa. DON'T create insanely obnoxious girly pointless melodrama (Spider-Man, Superman Returns and Smallville). On similar note, DO present the hero's LOVE and soulmate in all her stellar glory as his one and only equal - SHOW it, DON'T just say it.
7) DO frame the hero in stunning action sequences in all his head to toe uniformed glory (Tom Welling, PLEASE take note). DON'T pick an actor to play said hero if he's going to refuse to wear the suit by trying to hide behind a lame ass excuse such as "it's more interesting to show what happend in the character's life before he became the hero we know him to be." DON'T, DO NOT disrespect your audience by presuming to tell us what to think. If you're going to film the Statue of Liberty, doesn't it make sense that the audience expects to actually SEE the Statue of Liberty and not a blurry CGI version of it or just a close up of the head?
CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER is quite simply, THE BEST SUPERHERO MOVIE EVER MADE. Chris Evans and Haley Atwell are bona fide stars. Hugo Weaving, Tommy Lee Jones, Stanley Tucci and really, ALL the supporting characters have earned my respect. The writers and director Joe Johnston have created a masterpiece. Alan Menken and Alan Silvestri with the music and the entire crew obviously poured their heart into the making of this film and I, as a classic movie lover, am genuinely grateful. God bless you all and God bless the United States of America! ... UNashamedly so! Captain America: The First Avenger'
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