I like this book and highly recommend anything by the Muschla's. But this is a book of worksheets, not games. It does contain entertaining and challenging worksheets that are useful in the classroom. I more often will use their Algebra Teacher's Activity Kit or the Geometry Teacher's Activity Kit. Math Games: 180 Reproducible Activities to Motivate, Excite, and Challenge Students, Grades 6-12
While the title is misleading, I found this book a good way to get additional practice in my middle school math classes. The worksheets offer some "puzzle" type problems and "real world" word problems. Students like the worksheets and the format of them doesn't make it feel like everything is on top of each other like worksheets often do.
A good supplement to any classroom
As previous reviewers have noted, this is a book of worksheets, not games. Those hoping for math games should look elsewhere, such as Family Math : The Middle School Years, Algebraic Reasoning and Number Sense. That being said, this is a good book to use for extra practice and/or review of skills. It is well organized, so it is easy to find a worksheet on, for instance, the order of operations. I use it frequently in my tutoring of jr. high and high school students, a group for which it is often difficult to find materials. - Middle School - Hands On Math Activities - Math Education - Real World'
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