I found this guide to be most helpful while drilling holes for kitchen cabinet pulls. My concern was that the holes be perpendicular to the door frames...this little guide worked like a charm....all 16 doors have perfectly placed pulls as a result. Rockler Drill Guide Kit
This product worked great. I used it to drill 90 deg holes through the 4x6 post from which swings hang for a swingset.
1. Strike center punch with hammer where you want the hole.
2. Drop platic guide over center punch.
3. Drop in metal guide that fits center punch.
4. Clamp down.
5. Remove center punch and drop in metal guide that fits drill bit.
6. Drill.
One downside was that there is no place for the wood shavings to go so you have to pull the drill and metal guide all the way out which was a little awkward, but not bad.
With the glut of over-priced fancy doweling-jigs on the market, this simple gadget is a breath of fresh air.
It is not a substitute for a drill press, but it does work for most portable-drilling applications. It's lightweight, cheap, small and it does what it's supposed to. Without a well-adjusted drill press, we'd be hard-pressed to make anything this accurate for this cost. It is a good deal.
I bought this drill guide because I dont want to invest in a drill press and really dont need one. I just need a guide to drill some reasonably straight holes in wood.
This tool does a fine job at its intended purpose. We are not looking for rocket science quality here....just a way to get a reasonably straight hole without having to use a small square and trying to plumb the bit two ways.....
Have not used it on a project yet but I have drilled a few holes with it playing around...and when marking both sides of a piece of lumber and then drilling from one side the drill bit came thru spot on at the opposite side.
On larger bits you need to make sure and hold it down tight...or just be carefull to keep firm pressure down on it.
This gadget is so easy to store and bring out for use that it actually gets used. I no longer tolerate slanted holes when I'm using a hand drill. I find the Drill Guide indispensable when a work piece or assembly is too large to fit on the drill press. I've not used it on metal, but applied to wood, it might make a drill press unnecessary except for the limited number of bit guide sizes and in high-precision work.
This little thing works just as it should. Very simple concept yet works wonderfully. This saved me a fortune on those crazy drill attachments that probably wouldn't have worked anyway. I'm looking forward to building a rock solid media cabinet to match the new TV that arrived the same day!
Having needed a jig like this for past projects, I went ahead and bought this from Rockler through Amazon (along with a couple of other Rockler products to save on shipping). I have since used it to make my wife's Christmas gift (last) which is a holder for all of her spools of thread. The specific use was in placing 116 3/16" steel pins in a board cut to the shape of a large spool of thread.
Overall, it worked for the purpose which was to get each pin as straight as possible. I did find some play in the jig so I had to be careful to use the play to my benefit (pin angled ever so slightly up) but it was certainly WAY better than if I had tried to do it by hand. For the price, I'd say it can't be beat. The plastic guide is also jut the thing for making holes in dowel rods or at the corner of piece of wood.
I gave the tool 4 stars only for the bit of play, but again I'd say it's certainly worth the money.
Great idea, and could easily have been made with tighter tolerances that would have solved the problem, but even the small amounts of give in the inserts and holding collar result in an inaccurate hole being drilled.
It *is* better than just winging it, or just trying to use something like the built-in led that might be on your drill, but don't expect it to be all that great. - Simple - Effective'
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