The timer works as advertised. Pretty convenient in the fact that it can go up to 90 mins for training intervals. If you are planning to attach it to yourself, you may need to find a way to comfortably use it in that fashion. It would be nice if the volume of the tones could be increased or decreased in order to hear over music, outside noise, or indoor meditation practices. Otherwise, it is a good timer for various "interval" routines. Interval Workout Timer TMR05-G Grey LOUD with VOLUME control: Boxing, Wrestling, Martial Arts, MMA, HIIT, Endurance, Strength, Fitness
This timer is just okay. It works well ONCE you get it setup. Setup is somewhat quirky and the short instructions on top of the timer (by the on/off switch) are easier to understand than the manual. To get this thing setup is a pain. The arrows say up and down but they only go up so if you miss your second, you have to cyle through. If you accidentally miss your minute, you might as well turn it off and back on. You have to set this thing up after EVERY time you power it on.
Once it is setup for your intervals it's good to go. I'd say it's fairly loud but for a device this size I was disappointed that that the beeper was not louder. I just ordered a GymbossCG2009 we'll see if it's any better.
To sum up: The setup gets 2 stars, the functionality/operation once it's going gets 4 stars. It's definitely usable and it definitely helps with interval circuits it's just the dumb setup that brings this device rating down...
There's nothing overly fancy about this product, but the key factor is that it works exactly as intended. I use it to help me with circuit training, where I have 20 exercises and want to work out for 60 seconds then have 30 seconds break.
It is easy to program the unit to control number of reps, timer for workout and timer for rest. The alarm is loud (and can be disabled), and the flashing light is bright.
This timer attaches easily to the wall.
Usefulness and sturdiness are only beneficial features if you can get the item in question to work...if you can't program it, it doesn't matter how useful, sturdy or long-lasting it is, you still won't be able to use it. As far as I can tell, this timer works very well once you get it programmed, but the directions to program it are, well, not terribly user friendly. Once we got the programming figured out, it worked fine. Although having to completely take it apart with a screwdriver just to change the battery is also a bit awkward and cumbersome.
In an attempt to eliminate the frustrations of others who may purchase this timer, I am adding the instructions that I came up with for my fiancé to use with this timer.
First, a note, to get the MINUTES OR SECONDS TO GO DOWN, you must hold the (Start/Stop) button at the same time that you are pressing the (Min) or (Sec) button. Needlessly complicated? Yes, but apparently the creator of this device didn't think so.
Next, to SET INTERVAL USE, follow these directions:
1. Press (#), use the (Min) or (Sec) buttons to set the number of intervals, press (#) again, then press (My Time). Intervals are now set.
2. Press (T1), use the (Min) or (Sec) buttons to set your first time - we used this for our workout/round time, press (T1) again, then press (My Time). Time one is now set.
3. Press (T2), use the (Min) or (Sec) buttons to set your second time - we used this for our rest time, press (T2) again, then press (My Time). Time two is now set.
4. Press (#) to use interval use, then press (Start/Stop) to begin your interval workout.
The timer will complete time one, give a series of beeps/flashes, then move on to time two, after which it will beep/flash and display the interval number you are on before cycling back to time one (this will repeat for however many intervals you programmed it for).
Overall, not the most user-friendly device, but probably not so bad that it can't be used (although possibly overpriced for how awkward/quirky the entire thing is - especially the directions). Although, honestly, once it's programmed it seems fine, plus it's nice and loud and flashes to get your attention when you're time(s) are finished.
I love this timer! Once you figure out how to use it, which doesn't take too much effort, it's great. The buttons are laid out clearly and works great. It is also loud. Something useful when using it in a gym full of music and people punching and kicking things. My only complaint is the version I had couldn't go backwards when you are setting it. So if you miss your mark, you have to go to 99 in the minutes column and then back to your mark. (They may have changed that in later versions, though.) Also, it's not easy to change the battery. The battery lasts a long time, but you have to unscrew the whole unit face plate with a screwdriver to change it. This is a very sturdy timer, though. For the money and for what it does and is, a great buy.
In my Muay Thai training, I set it in interval mode for 5 3min rounds, 30 sec rests. It will count off the round, buzz where it displays the round finished, count off the 30sec rest period and buzz again. The process is completed until the final 30sec (after round 5 in this case) is complete and it buzzes several times to indicate the cycle is completed. The round number is only displayed for 1 sec at the end of the round, so if your focus is on the bag (I guess that is where it should be) and not the timer you will not see the round number. This is the only drawback I noted, so mentally I keep tract of the round number. It would be nice to hold the round number perhaps for 5 sec as the countdown continues for the rest cycle in the background. I noticed some reviews indicated difficulty to decrease the time setting ....you need to hold 2 buttons down simultaneously (this is noted in the instruction sheet but could be missed if read quickly) and this function will work fine. On the whole it is a very good product...I would purchase this again as a consumer. - Boxing Timer - Accessories - Boxing - Interval Training'
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