I have Bad Company 2 on Steam. When I purchased the Vietnam expansion on Amazon, I simply entered the code in the Bad Company 2 main menu and Vietnam was activated without any problems. All of the content for Vietnam was apparently in the last huge patch for Bad Company 2. Vietnam is multiplayer only so those looking for a single player game have been warned. Overall, Vietnam has a different feel from BC2. The maps are huge and open, each of them are unique. There are five multiplayer maps total and all of them take place outdoors. The jungle experience and scenery is captured perfectly in this expansion. I found myself getting shot by Vietcong in rice paddies and facing intense close combat fights on jungle paths. The downside to the openness of the maps is that you will have to deal with a lot of snipers, more so than in BC2.
There are about four unique weapons for each class and the perks attained in BC2 (magnum ammo, extended mags, vehicle upgrades) are available to use. Shooting and aiming with the weapons is more difficult with just iron sights as scopes have been removed (except for sniper rifles) as well as UAVs and other high-tech equipment. It seems like the weapons do more damage also. Its pretty intense when you are facing RPK machine guns and "thumper" grenade launchers in the jungle with a beat-up M-16. This game just feels gritty and realistic.
I'm enjoying this expansion, its much more challenging and realistic than BC2 and requires a fair amount of skill and teamwork. I definitely recommend it if you liked Bad Company 2. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam - Expansion [Online Game Code]
I actually like this expansion pack better than the original game and find it difficult to go back to the regular BC2 game any more. Why? Because the weapon hit detection is much better in the expansion, much more like BF2 or 2142, plus different weapons that are fun to play with. More than anything though, with the maps, the hit detection being correct, and the additional weapons, it's just more fun to play than regular BC2. Oh, and no annoying Gustov spamming. There are RPGs, but they're so slow and have so little splash damage they're hardly ever used on infantry which is a welcome change from Gustov and noob tube spamming. Lastly, the Huey's fly well, not at all like the ones in regular BC2 that handle like boats...and did I mention flame throwers? :)
Unlike some other reviewers I like the original maps in BFBC2 better. In most of the Vietnam maps sniping seems like much more of a problem than in the original maps, even though the weapon gadgets, like scopes, were apparently cut back to try to reduce it. It may also be that the hacks are all on the new maps with their aimbots. So be prepared to die a lot, even if you're no longer a noob on the original maps.
It's worth it, but not unless you like playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 to begin with.
Just buy it on here and check your order status, the code will appear.
Open BC2 and click Vietnam, enter the code you printed out from your order confirmation.
Play the BF2: Vietnam soundtrack on your ipod and rock on.
well sadley i ordered this from gamestop.com which they charged me a ridiculos 4$ "download Insurance" as they called it. But for anyone whos a fan of the battlefield series an has been playing bad company 2 for a while, the expansion definitly adds some fresh air. no single player but battlefield is all about the multiplayer anyways. great dlc. all good maps except for one. all in all if you have bfbc2 buy this expansion.
Side note: I still perfer the original bfbc2 multiplayer but i tend to enjoy urban more so thats jus me.
I like this pack because the russians were the one enemy in a lot of popular shooter games, now i can be a vietcong soldier, is funny listen to them talking; but seriously the helicopter gameplay was modified and is so much better, you can do so many movements to avoid tank's shots, i love also the boat, the maps are bigs and you can cover with a rock or a tree, you can burn down all enemy soldiers with a new flame like the one of cod waw. I only dislike two things of this pack and is the easily way to kill, you die with few shots and the second one is the limited number of primary weapons, only 3 for each kit and 3 for all kits.
I bought BC2 and I loved it. After leveling to rank 10, I tried out Vietnam expansion and boy it's fun!
The thing I hated about BC2 is that there are way too many vehicles around. Most of Vietnam maps concentrate on infantry fights, which I love. The theme is also great, I really like the sound and atmosphere. If you have Bad Company 2, get this now!
It's also very easy to apply. You get the code here on Amazon. Launch Bad Company 2, and redeem your code on the main menu. That's it!
Highly recommended.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam - Expansion
This is by far one of the funnest expansions that I have bought on a game. Dice has done a great job with the originality of this Vietnam expansion pack for BC2. I highly recommend this to any avid gamer, PC or console.
This will continue to be enjoyable even a year from now!
I have owned this several months now. It is a very solid game as far as graphics and sound. Some of the best you can get right now. The gameplay is a little difficult to get used to as it is very different from Battlefield 2. Character movement and control feels very different and the weapons feel much sloppier, which I suppose was done in the pursuit of realism but it detracts a bit from the gameplay. It doesn't get a 5 star only for the fact that I really do not think the vehicles were as good as they could be. Helicopters especially really feel underdeveloped and unrealistic. Tank turret turn speed is not customizable and it is too low for my taste. Besides those flaws I still do think it is a worthy entry in the Battlefield series. The Vietnam expansion is definitely my favorite mode to play over all the basic content. Your Vietnam mode experience and unlocks count towards the basic content and vice-versa. - Battlefield - Vietnam - Shooter - Pc Game'
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