When it has came down to Michael Jackson, people have rediscovered his music for the way it was, not the heartbreak of the past several years he had went through. From the years he was accused of being a child molestor from the exhausting trial he undergone back in 2003-2005, or his heartbreak of his personal life in the spotlight from his crumbled marriages or the plague of his debt he suffered in the light. At the very end of the day, it is his music that remains the test of time. But when people had found out that there was leftovers Michael was pumping up into the spotlight, before he had passed on, many people pondered to know if the songs were good. Well, yes and no from the Michael album. But when it comes to the ballads, like the song Hold My Hand with Akon, he really delivered a simple chemistry with Akon that remains elequent and noble. While it wasn't as strong as his better ballads like Man In The Mirror, it showed he was heading back into the right direction. If there is a song that is worth downloading from Michael, Hold My Hand is that one.
Song: B 1/2- Hold My Hand (Duet With Akon)
I really love this song, i play it over and over while i am driving. in fact since i got the 'Michael' album i am playing it all the time. i know most of it was unfinished but its definitely Michael and its so wonderful to hear him again on new stuff. I know there's controversy but at the end of the day music is what Michael did and we need to enjoy it, its his legacy to us and his children.
This song calls us to be united and support each other. it also sounds great with Akon.'
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