I did the iPhone 3G & 3GS. I did the Motorola Droid. I came back to the smartphone that started it all.
my (AT&T)iPhone randomly dropped calls. My (Verizon)Droid randomly deleted email accounts. Both featured poor phonecall voice quality: The Droid's voice quality was acceptable in the sticks, but horrible where I live & work (downtown Chicago). The iPhone was horrible everywhere. Battery life was dreadful for both.
Frustrated with it all, I came back to the Blackberry; the first smart phone I ever owned (courtesy of my employer at the time).
It just works and works well. My iPhone/Droid could barely make a phonecall from my office. My 9780 can make phonecalls from within its elevator. My Blackberry's battery lasts days whereas my Droid & iPhone could barely make it through a single work day.
Most people have no clue that I am on a cell phone until I tell them so. I don't know if this is a credit to the Blackberry or T-Mobile but, needless to say, I've found my ideal phone & service provider combo for the next two years.
-Battery life is incredible and it charges quite rapidly
-The new Blackberry OS is snappy and attractive and very configurable
-Accessories are far cheaper than those for iPhone/Droid
-light, thin and small. Perfect for your front pocket, but comes with an attractive holster also.
-Love the all black body. Not a huge fan of the fancy trim found on other phones.
NOTE: I also accidentally dropped it in a cup of hot tea (full submersed) the first week I owned it. Amazingly, after pulling the battery and allowing the liquid to drain, it still worked, albeit with a finicky touchpad and a screen that blinked at random times. I let it dry completely for 4 hours and everything was as good as new afterwards. BlackBerry Bold 9780 Phone (T-Mobile)
this probably the best, and the most expensive phone I've ever owned. I've had a few other phones for T-mobile, (sidekick, samsung comback and smiley, and gravity, and two nokia music xepress phones) but The blackberry beats em all.
Im a first time user, and I gave to say that I love it so far. The new OS that come with it is fast, (faster than my bros BB, which carries the previous OS), the qwerty keeyboard is nice and easy to type with. THe 5 MP camera/ video recorder is awesome too. And the screen... nice a crisp!
It also come with a few other perks, an mp3 player, email, IM messenger, social apps and many other cool apps I can't even get into detail with. BUY THIS PHONE! YOU'LL LOVE IT!!!
This is my second Blackberry. Upgraded from the old BB Curve 8560. Love the new OS 6 and universal search mode. New camera upgrade is great with useful settings. The MP3 sound quality is wonderful. Screen is crisp. Battery lasts for days and I am a heavy user. Love my BBM and its new upgrades too. I thought of switching to ATT for the BB Torch but found it to be sluggish. I like the ability to be able to surf and use this phone one handed when I need too. I have been with TMo since 2002 and am sad that ATT has bought it over. My husband has ATT and it has poor customer service at a higher price. The Blackberry will also play MP4 format songs which works well since both my children have iTouches and we can share music. As for the screen size, I am able to read books using the BB Kindle app with ease. This is solid, well built and efficient phone. There are more apps now and our favorite is the shared shopping list that works for both Android (my husband) and my BB. Makes grocery shopping a breeze. Hope this helps. You can also share Kindle ebooks with the various Apple and BB devices. - Blackberry Bold - Unlocked Blackberry - Blackberry Storm - Unlocked Blackberry Storm'
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