I'm 32, and the only telling thing about my age are the serious wrinkles on my brow. I decided to try this as it wasn't too expensive (look at Strivectin - ouch!) and thought even a small improvement would be worth the price. I have to say, I'm shocked. After about two weeks, I saw noticeable changes, and it's now been about 6 weeks, and the improvement has been tremendous. The wrinkles on my forehead are almost gone. I'll definitely be purchasing more.
Like some of the other reviews, there are areas this shouldn't go, like around the eyes. Be careful about that, as it created a little redness, not bad, but it really dried out my skin and caused flaking, which too about a week to clear up. Again, no problems anywhere else, but in sensitive areas like the eyes, it's potency was obvious, and these areas couldn't take it. RoC Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Night Cream, 1-Ounce Tube
I must say that I was skeptical about this, but for the low price versus department store cosmetics, figured it was worth a try. Amazingly, it really works quite well and MY WIFE LOVES IT!
After a few weeks, people were commenting that she looked less tired, asked if she had lost weight, been exercising or on vacation. Since it works gradually over a few weeks, you notice a bit of difference yourself, but the people who don't see you that often really notice a dramatic change. Smaller wrinkles are smoothed out and disappear completely, while large ones get smaller.
It won't make a 69 year old look 20, but definitely takes off a decade of wear and tear.
Don't think about using this if you have very dry skin, as the retinol which eases those fine lines also causes skin to flake and peel, and Never use any product not especially designed for the orbital area around your eyes. I had undergone laser resurfacing about nine years ago on my face, but at the time my doctor said the forehead didn't need it. Now it doesn't have the same smooth feel as the rest of the skin on my face, so I decided to try the ROC Over-night Deep Wrinkle cream. Been using it for several weeks, and it has lessened the lines and made my skin feel smoother, but I've had to use some heavy-duty moisturizer during the day to counteract the drying effects of the product. I've now stopped using it and am using Kinerase, which smooths out those lines but also moisturizes as well. Don't expect it to work overnight, it has a cumulative effect, but at least while you're using it, it hydrates the skin better than anything I've found yet, and it was recommended to me by the surgeon who did the lasering on my face. As far as the ROC product, I would recommend it for short-term use only, and not for those with dry skin issues, as it will only aggravate them.
I am a 52 year old female (will be 53 next week) who, for the past year has been distressed about my undereye area. I have huge hazel eyes which have always been one of my best features- the change you undergo with aging is not that drastic - but you begin to look tired. I finally decided to try something, and I have to say - the fact that this product has been around for awhile (I personally don't know anyone who uses it) AND THE PRICE (because of course it won't make any difference) made me pick this one from Eckerds. I have been using it for 9 days and I swear it is working! My undereye area is actually improving! This is especially noticable when my face is fully made up - I wonder how they will look after a couple of months of continuous use. I have even decided to try the cream for my face, although I really am not concerned about it yet - I figure it can't hurt- this product actually seems to improve the quality of your skin. I notice in the reviews that one customer had a problem with dryness - I am the exact opposite - my skin has always been extremely oily and I am going through menopause as well- (night sweats and day sweats too) I have NEVER been able to wear ANY kind of moisturizer- it caused me to break out with pimples! I am even thinking of getting my 76 year old mom (a former beauty queen) both of these products to try! I would definately recommend the eye cream! This is the first time I have ever written a review for this website - I really believe in this product! The company's catch phrase "we keep our promises" is dead on the money as far as this reviewer is concerned!!!!!!
I've read the reviews, with people raving about this product, so I'm sure it works for most people. However, this is definitely one product you need to be careful with. Test it over a weekend because if you are allergic, you are going to need the time to recover from it. My mom bought it first and after a few weeks of use, she'd had the tingling and some redness that the product says are normal until your skin adjusts. She didn't think anything about the cream until one day when she realized she was having a severe reaction to it. Her face swelled up like a balloon, and you could barely see her eyes. She took Benedryl in large doses to stop the reaction, and it took her about a week to look normal. She did not get it near her eyes. Her pharmacist said they are seeing lots of people with reactions to skin creams lately, so perhaps there is a new chemical that products are using. Your reaction will depend on your individual tolerances, and there's no other way to know unless you try it.
Since my mom is allergic to many things, and I am generally not, she gave the cream to me to try. For two nights, I tried it on a small portion of skin on my chin, and I had no problems. On Friday night, I put it on my forehead, chin, and below the cheekbones, to test it on a larger area away from the eyes. Wow, was my reaction different! Saturday, my eyes were red and felt a bit warm, and they watered a lot. By that night, I didn't apply it again because my tongue and lips tingled, along with my hands, and I knew it was a reaction to the cream. By midnight Saturday, 28 hours since I'd first applied it in a larger area, I was also getting out the Benedryl to stop the burning feeling. I'm writing this about 6pm Sunday, and I still feel tingling in my face and hands and tongue, my face feels tender and warm, and the skin on my eyelids and under my eyes is bright red. Believe me, I didn't get it anywhere near my eyes and I washed my hands after applying it.
It is a shame some of us react this way, and there are some people who will say we didn't apply it right, or test it properly. I know that in my case, that isn't true. I'm not sure what is in it that would cause this kind of severe reaction, but it is up to you to try it for yourselves. I'm not criticizing the product with my rating, but by rating it low, people might read a warning that could help them. As I told my mom, when our faces were swollen up, they are right - we have no wrinkles! - Anti-aging - Night Cream - Roc - Night Treatments'
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