My new Kindle DX2 graphite came yesterday and immediately I realized I needed a cover. I was nervous when putting the DX down and picking it up fearing that I would drop or scratch it; and there's no great way to carry the Kindle around without a cover. Also I found the bare Kindle to be a bit fidgety to hold while reading and I was hoping a cover would give me a better grip.
This cover was just released and I like the fact that it has the elastic band to hold it closed like the original Kindle 1, as I had read that the older DX cover did not always stay closed. I got the cover with 1-day local delivery and it just arrived.
The cover weighs a bit more than 11 ounces so the Kindle with cover is 30 ounces. This makes it significantly heavier than just the Kindle alone (18.75 oz), however the cover gives you several better ways to hold the Kindle, including open like a book or folded back. If you rest the Kindle on something to take the weight off, it is definitely more comfortable to read with it. My preference is to lie on the couch with the Kindle balanced on my chest/stomach and my left hand holding the top of the left part of the cover open at about 90 degrees.
I'd give it 5 stars if it was lighter, but so far I really like it. Kindle DX Leather Cover, Black (Fits 9.7" Display, Latest and 2nd Generation Kindle DXs)
I ordered the cover with the new DX Kindle because I like to take care of my gadgets. While it's very cool opening a leather notebook with a Kindle inside instead of a notepad, I have to admit it was slightly disappointing.
Product Page:
. . . this official leather book cover offers optimal protection for your Kindle DX (9.7" Display) . . .
There IS protection, but it's somewhat thin. I think there's a cardboard core inside it. It would be better if it were aluminum to help protect for minor strikes and bumps, or at least a substance as hard as a typical fine leather-bound book. As an example: sometimes I pick it up after closing it for a minute or two and I see the search bar on screen, indicative of the space bar being pushed through the cover while just lifting it from the bottom!
. . . This lightweight cover is perfect . . . ensures the ultimate fit and protection without adding bulk and weight.
It doesn't add a lot of bulk, but it after adding a Kindle inside it will top the scales at almost 2 lbs (11 + 19 oz). I'd be ok with that if I was a little more confident in the protection it provides.
Read in Comfort
This 100%. It's a much more comfortable way to hold the Kindle. I left out the rest for brevity. It's so much better to hold and read (just like a book). Due to the materials, though, I'm hopeful it doesn't wear out from general use, though. Access to all controls and jacks.
. . . patent-pending hinge system secures your Kindle to the cover . . . with a strap to keep the cover firmly closed.
AARG. The hinge is really good and fairly easy to mount (and dismount if needed). I sure hope they license it out for others that might make a beefier cover. To be perfectly honest, that description dissuaded me from picking up any third party covers that, well, who knows, might actually be more of what I like and less costly. I'll admit the strap is really cool with a Amazon Kindle logo flag to help grab it. The strap material is just like the thick type used in hair bands you might find in the chain pharmacy, and the flag can be positioned anywhere along it.
Overall it's a nice product, but, I'm not sure why it costs as much as a high-quality leather-bound dead-tree book. I suppose part of the price could be considered Kindle Insurance, but at three fifths the cost it would better represent it's value.
I fell in love with my new orange leather Kindle DX cover. However, as the weeks went by I began to notice that the plastic frame of the Kindle at the point where the top clamp fastens in...was actually lifting and small hairline cracks were forming. Did I install it incorrectly? No, actually, the top clamp is defective, it curls up and out and overtime will begin to lift and crack. Fortunately, I noticed this soon enough to be totally satisfied with Amazon Kindle response which was a new Kindle and full credit back for the defective case. Until the cases are re-designed, I would not buy one of these. Too bad, because they are truly functional, lovely and practical.
The reason people give it 5 stars is because they don't give the product enough time before they review it. I purchased this along with my kindle dx on August 12, 2010. I can honestly say that I don't recommend this product as it will damage the kindle. The hinge that attaches to the kindle will eventually put pressure on the kindle front plastic cover and soon you will see it crack. To avoid this, you have to make sure the kindle doesn't rock back and forth from off the back cover causing the hinge to bend more and crack the front plastic further. This is hard to do if you open and close your kindle many times a day or simply lend it to someone else who doesn't know better. One thing I can honestly say is that I really wanted to like this product. I really wanted it to work. I'm looking for a slip cover now.
This cover is exactly the right size to properly cover the e-reader. The inside is a nonslick surface that would not allow scratches. The hooks built into the inside spine that are used to secure the Kindle do exactly that. No movement whatsoever from the machine in the cover. Very nice.
I do suggest purchasing the Smak-Dab Cover Secure Clip also sold on Amazon as it just adds additional protection from you opening the kindle from the back instead of the front and possibly damaging it. Or from a person other than yourself doing that while looking at it. As you know your friends will just have to check out your E-reader!!! - Kindle Dx Case - Kindle Covers - Kindle Dx Leather Cover - Kindle Accessory'
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