These little handsaws cut like lightening, hard to believe. I put one in the survival kit and you could buid a log cabin with one of these if you were dumped in the woods! Much cheaper and easier to use than some of those toy survival saws that are $50. I have an old one that has seen 10 years of abuse around the house and yard and it was getting dull. I use for trimming branches, pine trees, apricot trees, bamboo and whatever else pops up around the house, sawing a 2 x 4 or root cutting when removing a plant. When you do not want to drag out the electric power saws this is the one.
A good tool with an unbelievable ability to saw wooden material quickly. Probably not for those fine trim jobs but this thing eats wood like a beaver. Stanley 15-579 15-Inch 9 Points Per Inch SharpTooth Fast Cutting Saw
I originally purchased this STANLEY SAW to use to cut some low-hanging branches off a tree in the backyard. The saws of my dad's were all rusted and I came across this saw for around $10. Besides the limb-cuttings, I have used it to cut several small trees, to cut through a 1x4", and to cut through some scraps of luan. After all that use, the teeth have remained sharp and clean. I'm looking forward to using this saw for a long time. It's a good hand, inexpensive handsaw. - Hand Tools - Handsaws - Hand Saws - Hand Saw'
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