I have to admit that i was skeptical in buying this book. I bought it because it was only 99 cents, and expected that I would not get my money's worth out of it. Clearly, I was wrong. I could not believe how many sites for free kindle books were listed. This is a very informative book that helped me enlarge my kindle library. Free Kindle Books and How to Find Them
My sister showed me this book over Thanksgiving on her Kindle, and I studied it for a long time researching the various place to find free Kindle books so I decided to get my own copy. For the price, I think this is worth every penny and then some! It actually seems to point you to well over a million free books if you had the time to read that many in your lifetime. In addition to telling you specifically how to find the free books on the Amazon website, it points you to 20 other places with a description of the content and format of each one. Now that's useful information to me! We're in a recession and I am trying to watch every penny so I need something free!
The book also shows you how to transfer the books to your Kindle, which I imagine is helpful to kindle owners - my sister seems to think so but I can not comment as I am using the PC kindle application (can't afford to shell out the bucks for a Kindle in this economy). Now I may have to try out this guy's blog!
Just read the e-book in my kindle and found some really great sites, however it bothers me when sites such as:
1) Baen, who has a great fantasy/sf collection claims to have prc files compatible with kndle, and when you transfer to the device it only registers the title and not the author's name (which makes it impossible to order by author)
2) Open Library, which also has a very complete collection, but some of the works from aldous huxley in mobi file had lots of errors showing some bugs in the files made available (even if they are made available for free)
3) World Library and Bookyards, with great titles but only pdf which even if converted by kindle still is difficult to read and appears wrongly catalogued making it impossible to do a good sorting job by author
However it's nice to find some other great sites.
Granted there are many good resources listed in the book, but nothing you couldn't find via Google. Also some of the sites listed had already changed their URL's. OK. This is not the author's fault, but it does reinforce the fact that Google is better than this book. If you hate using a search engine, then this is the book for you, otherwise just search for free ebooks yourself.
Free Kindle Books and How to Find Them.. revised.
Revised or not, you can get the same info from Amazon by doing a search on Amazon..
Search: Kindle Store ; Free
Then Click on "Free Book Collection"
There's a whole page/pages dedicated to free e-books and other sites that are compatible with Kindle. A whole list of them...
And yes, I find that rather ironic.. a book titled Free Kindle Books and How to Find Them and charging for it. LOL
Anyway, save your money.. just do a search. Amazon provides most of the info.
People, please don't waste your money on this book (currently costing three dollars). It's easy to find free books that you can read on your Kindle: use Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any search engine of your choice and search for "free ebooks". Project Gutenberg at Gutenberg.org has a ton of classics available for your immediate consumption.
Save your money for a pack of gum! This 'book' will only provide you with links to other services that you may purchase memberships to in order to download free e-books. These memberships give you lists of books that you could find on your own with a little research via google or yahoo. If you are looking for the classics (for free) Amazon has them in abundance.
I'm surprised Amazon has not pulled this sham of a book from their listings!
Maybe I am just naïve, but I was expecting a little more out of this than a handful of sites for free classics. Gosh, I can just search on here for free classic literature. As much as I enjoy some classic literature, I was hoping to get some better information on books newer than 1800s. Keep your $$ and go to Google or Amazon and type in "free Kindle books" (something I should have done before purchasing this for $0.99)... you will find more items than the stupid sites the author lists and be able to keep your money too (which he advocates in the book, yet, I spent money... on... his... book... *sigh*). I found more on Amazon's site by typing in free kindle books or some other phrase than all his sites combined (I went to several of them already and wasted lots of time). Good luck! - Kindle - Kindle Book - Kindle Freebie - Free'
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