My previous Braun shaver lasted 20 years. So when it finally died recently, I had to look for another Braun. Here's what I like about the M-90: (1) it's relatively inexpensive, (2) it's flat, compact and lightweight so that it packs well for travel, (3) it seems to be well-made and all of the parts work well together, (4) the two included AA alkaline batteries lasted four months of daily use, which was a pleasant surprise (still, I would recommend getting a set of low self-discharge batteries, such as the Sanyo Eneloop).
My only reservations are (1) the foil cannot capture the few stray hairs that have grown long or have curled over, though I suspect this is a common problem with the foil design (I just bring along a disposable shaver to tackle this problem) (2) the foil screen on my previous Braun cracked and had to be replaced every couple of years, so I'll wait to see if Braun has made the screen more durable.
If you want a shaver for daily light trim and beard maintenance while traveling, then I would highly recommend the Braun M-90. It's a fine example of good design.
UPDATE: See my second reservation above. The original foil screen cracked after about a year of daily use. I'm not too surprised (still disappointing though), BUT a single replacement foil costs $13 including shipping. That's a third of the cost of the M-90. Frankly, I'm tired of this problem in the wide foil design. I wonder whether the floating head design would be more durable. Braun M90 Mobile Shaver, Silver, 1
As caveats, I would describe my beard density as significantly below average and I have fairly sensitive skin. I have generally shaved with a double bladed razor in the past, but I have had problems with irritation of my neck. This little shaver comes fairly close to a razor shave on the face and is, on a whole, better on the neck, with significantly less irritation. I have taken to keeping one at work and another in my gym bag.
This item is great for when you have that little bit of morning stubble. It takes absolutely everything off and leaves a nice smooth feeling. Cleaning is also easy, just rinse the entire head under running water while it is on and then remove cap and clean the row of razors with the small cleaning device that is attached on the bottom of it. The entire shaver is very cool and sleek, great design!
The only flaw is that if you wait too long to use this, and you get hairs that are more than 2mm long, that is where the shaver suffers. It will only get a little more than half of those longer hairs. You can use a regular razor for those hairs though and then go back to this shaver as they come back the next day.
There is also a small trimmer on the side of the shaver (see picture) that is great for cutting long hairs. It is so small though that I'm afraid I might break it when I try to force it out of the side and back in when I am done with it.
I found this Braun M90 moobile shaver to be powerful and usable in quick situations. It does not grab or nick your face, gives a decent smooth shave, good battery length and motor power, and handles a day's beard growth well. It fits into a car tray or briefcase well. The battery compartment was redesigned (previously known as the P-70)to prevent it from opening and spilling out the batteries. The side trimmer is OK, being short and at an odd angle, not like previous Braun shavers I boght a few years ago. I recommend this item.
But... be careful who you buy it from. There are secondary merchants who sell these items through Amazon.com, and while you may trust Amazon, you should not trust these secondary vendors! These secondary vendors may offer a low-price, but that price may not get you a delivery of the right product! Their idea of business is to make money to ship you what you did not order, and expect you to ship the wrong product back to them, while offering a 10% discount on a substitute product. It seems that this kind of practice indicates one thing: They are only in the business to make money by shipping the wrong products, if in fact they ship anything at all. The verification that came from Amazon.com said the product was shipped, and my credit card was charged. However, that was not the case. The UPS number was false because the product was actually "out of stock" and never shipped. But, false information was sent to Amazon by this vendor, and my credit card was charged.
Check the internet feedback to learn who these vendors are. My advice to Amazon.com is: "Screen your vendors... or I will stop buying products from you."
I bought this Braun M-90 electric shaver on recommendation from the salesperson that it was an essentially the same shaver as P-70 except that this one had a different screen.
So far, it does a decent job but as one would expect that most electric shavers do not shave as closely as razors.
I would recommend this shaver for its value and quality but not as a replacement for razor shaving.
I wanted to get the PocketGo P-70, but it seems like that is no longer manufactured. So, I picked up this little shaver. I tried it once so far, and it felt fantastic. My old shaver was defunct, and pulled hairs like a maniac, but this one glides so nice and easily, I could barely tell it was shaving at all. (Save for the high-pitched whirring noise).
I'm only giving it four stars right now because there was one stray hair on my cheek. I ran the shaver over it furiously several times to pick it off. It took a good 4-5 run overs, but once I found the proper angle, I was able to get it.
In short, it's great, and I have no doubt it is as good as the P-70. Just make sure you give your chin a quick runover before stopping your shaving routine!
I saw this on sale for about $12 and I thought, with all the good reviews here, I'd give it a try on my next vacation. It would definitely be nice not to have to worry about banging up or losing my regular electric shaver.
So I did. I spent about 15 minutes trying to use this razor and it left about half the hairs on my face completely intact. I would go over the same area several times and still nothing. I've never had this problem with any electric razor I've bought before because my beard does not grow in thick by any means. I ended up having to borrow my girlfriends razor for that morning, which she wasn't exactly happy about, but she didn't really want me going out looking like an idiot with my face half shaved either.
Terrible product. - Shaving - Braun - Battery Powered - Electric Razor'
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