After the unpleasant surprise of finding a scratch on my still shiny 2-year old car, I thought straight away of this product. While I know that advertisements do exaggerate, I thought this still might do something to better the situation without incurring steep body shop repair costs. How wrong I was! This product is practically useless and, despite following the instructions to the letter, just left my car with a raised clear scar-like line on top of the scratch, which is still visible. To make matters worse, the actual construction of the pen is very poor, and the nib quickly jams (it's based on a pump action method to immerse the nib in the 'healing' liquid). In my case this happened after just one use. Please do read, and believe these reviews and save yourself time and money. Simoniz Fix It Pro Clear Coat Scratch Repair Pen
This product does not work! At all, it's like putting clear nail polish on your scratch, what a great idea.
Followed instructions as written, but only made my scratch look worse.
And the felt tip in the pen got jammed up the pen, so even if I wanted to continue to use it I couldn't.
Stay away, save your money, looks appealing on the infomercial, but does not work at all.
If I could give it negative 5 stars I would!
I tried to fix a scratch on my new car. Not only did it not work, but it left a super-glue type residue on the car that I could not wipe away with the dry paper towel immediately after applying it to the car. I will have to get the spot professionally repainted. Beware of this product, it can actually damage your car!
I tried this on a few scratches and found that it does cover the clearcoat scratches. However, if the scratch goes into the primer, it does not cover that. As advertised, it is a clearcoat repair and works great, but not on a deeper scratch that goes through the color to the primer or metal.
My wife got some of this stuff from an Advance Auto Parts and tried using it on her Liberty in our garage. Turned into a mess. Then I went and actually read the instructions which she did not do. Uhm... sunlight!! This stuff needs sunlight to cure. Don't do it in at night, or in your garage... jeez. Read the instructions, follow them. Don't try to mess around with this stuff, it isn't a wax. If you can't handle that, try a different product, and a padded helmet.
This stuff worked so well on my wife's liberty that I have since used it on both my 4Runner and my beloved, cosmos black, BMW 540i.
I have seen a lot of negative reviews but my suspicion is that these people either didn't read the manual, had unreal expectations, or are just plain dumb.
I had a 2 inch scratch in the black paint on my driver's door. It was through to the primer. One sTroke of the pen and it blended in very nicely. It is best if you use a silicone/wax removing liquid around the scratch first, so to ensure you are not putting the Fix It Pro liquid on top of wax. Also, the pen tip will harded after a few days after its initial use, so be sure to cover all the scratches on your car when you open the pen. They give you one spare tip, so you can two about two separate applications with this if you do it, say, a week or month later.
I researched this item before purchasing--needless to say with all the negative reviews i wasn't expecting too much. The thing is, I have a black car with MINOR scratches all over (its an older car, '99) that made my car look beaten up. Of course the product doesn't fix DEEP scratches (it doesn't say it does anywhere, so I don't know why people are getting angry when it doesn't) but it DEFINITELY hid my MINOR scratches well. My car looks great now. If you follow the instructions, you shouldn't have any problem with it acting "like clear nail polish" or leaving clumpy residue you can't get off--you HAVE to apply it in COMPLETE SHADE, because if the tip is exposed to sunlight, it hardens (as it does on the car--you move it to sunlight once you're done and want it to set, you have to wipe away the residue BEFORE doing this). Though it comes with an extra tip in case the first one hardens, I have yet to replace the first tip. the Pen actually goes a long way--I've already gone over all the scratches (and there were a LOT) and there's still plenty left over. To make sure the tip didn't harden further, I put electrical tape over the edge of the cap to make sure air didn't get in, but I don't know if that was necessary, just precautionary. It is a CLEAR COAT SCRATCH REPAIR PEN, not for paint repair (duh) and it works PERFECTLY.
This product does NOT work and is not worth the money, you can clearly see the scratch after properly applying the "FIX IT".
DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY~! In addition, if you order on their web site, BE CAREFUL because they offer you so many other items if you click something by mistake it will cost you allot of money. They send free vacuums and charge you $15/to ship each one. You can purchase this same exact product at Bed, Bath and Beyond with NO SHIPPING cost and you can use a 20% off coupon and after it does NOT work, you can return it.
This product does work as described, but only on very fine scratches. Any scratches which are thick, it only partially covers even with multiple applications. Even some of the fine scratches require multiple applications. That is why I only gave it 3 stars. - Exterior Car Care - Clear Coat - Auto Scratch Remover - Scratch'
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