This machine was just what I was looking for... and for those of you who are like me, yes, this is the computer you want to buy. I have been in the market for a new laptop for almost a year and a half and have diligently considered all options within that timeframe... from MacBook Pro to Sony to Acer to Dell etc. You name it, I've looked at the specs vs. cost vs. reliability.
I was looking hard at the previous version of this laptop and almost bought it, but was truly sold when they updated it with the new Sandy Bridge processor. I have not added any RAM yet but I'm glad that I can add more.
My previous laptop was a 17" Dell Inpsiron 9300 bought in December 2005. I take very good care of my machines... probably did about 3 clean installs of Windows on it since purchase (including going from XP to Vista). If I wasn't worried about the hard drive going out on it, I would keep using it... serves me well, albeit slowly.
- The specs on this machine are great, great i7 processor, graphics card... this should be enough machine for many people.
- The price is very reasonable for the technology you're getting... you can find similar machines but they will downgrade you on something... be it hard drive RPM, RAM, or graphics card.
- Sturdy design
- Maybe more to come... haven't had it too long yet
- This is a big laptop, its very similar in size to my Dell but I don't travel with it much so that's fine
- All the ports are on the sides except power... again, this is only a con if you are using this primarily at a desk and don't plan on moving with it much.
- Screen resolution - this is not a huge con for me but its something to think about... I went from a 17" screen at 1920 by 1200 to this machine's screen. It's fine for me though, I've already gotten used to it.
- The ASUS drivers and software are still confusing me... I'm trying to remove some things I won't use (TrendMicro Virus Protection) and some of the game demos etc and I did run into the same problem as others (lost functionality of volume keys). I went on the support site here: [...] and installed the ATK package and things seem to be working now. I will have to read the manual to fully understand the other options like the power management, never had anything like that before. That being said, I have no problem with companies installing software on their machines. From what I understand it keeps the cost down and I just consider it part of the process in setting up a new computer to remove what you won't use.
- The keyboard does seem a little flimsy, but to me its similar to the spongy-ness of my old Dell and I don't really see it being a problem. I disabled the trackpad so I can't review that... I use an external mouse.
I may update this as time goes on...
- Update 4/10/11 - For anyone who is having problems with the speakers and sound quality of this machine, goto your start menu > Virage Logic > ASUS SonicMaster... I thought my speakers were blown or broken until I realized that the the factory default settings are for all the audio enhancements to be enabled... this caused my music to sound distorted and fuzzy. I'm guessing this machine is made to play high quality audio files and so you'll probably have to tinker with the settings if you have MP3s.
- Update 4/12/11 - [...] - that is the support site for this specific laptop. If you've lost functionality of your Fn-key because of uninstalling the pre-installed software, then download the ATK file and run it. That worked for me.
- Update 6/1/11 - After a solid two months of use, I am pleased with this purchase. Other reviewers have commented on the way the screen looks "washed out" when not at the proper angle. This would definitely be an annoyance if I were using the laptop on my lap or outside, but this is primarily a desktop replacement laptop for me... and given the size of the laptop (about as big as my Dell 9300 17") I would hesitate to recommend it for anyone who plans to use it on the go all the time. It's not a hassle to move from office to living room but anything more would be cumbersome. If you're looking for an ultra-portable, it's not this. I am still very impressed with the overall performance of the machine. I host a server of Minecraft beta on it, and then play on that server with literally no slowdown on the server or my game play. If you're having issues with gaming, etc. then right-click the game and look at the graphics card options. I was having problems initially while running the server and playing the game at the same time because I didn't realize that both were running off of the integrated graphics memory rather than the GPU. I don't know if this machine knows when to switch between the integrated graphics and the GPU automatically, but it does give you the convenient option of choosing before you run the program by right-clicking on it.
I have two issues with this machine but they are more annoyances than anything else. The first is the speaker. While it sounds fine, once it gets cranked up it sounds distorted just like any other laptop I've heard. I was expecting the sound to hold up better at max volume considering that seems to be it's big selling point. The second is the location of the USB ports. They are located on the left and right-hand side of the machine, near the front. After I've attached an external hard drive, a wireless mouse receiver, and an iPod cable... not only have I used up all the USB 2.0 ports, but I also have to watch to make sure my mouse doesn't hit the cords coming out of the side of the machine. These two issues are more annoyances than anything else but worth noting. ASUS N53SV-XE1 15.6-Inch Versatile Entertainment Laptop (Silver Aluminum)
Got this laptop a week ago. I kept it running and it is not even warm!! (I just do some daily use, I do not play much game but I am always running more than 4 applications) The CPU usage never goes above 30%! The metal-made lip is also good-looking. I don't care the size of the hard drive but I do value the 7200rpm speed, in sense that many competitors are offering 5400rpm. (SSDs' speed is much higher but so is the price.)
I have considered other models in the N53SV series, and I finally decided on this one. The price is affordable, the inside power is more than enough! With the 15 inch screen I don't need 1080p resolution, which would make letters too hard to see ( and if I adjust the font, then it is meaningless to buy a full HD screen, and it would cause extra burden to the graphic card).
1. Nice look, good quality design (you can't find any screws at the bottom)
2. Powerful processor and graphic gard
3. 4 USB ports including one 3.0, card reader is ok
4. Excellent temperature control, super silence
5. Number keys included in the keyboard
6. Support 16GB memory
1. Kind of heavy
2. Only 4GB memory installed
3. Does not support Express Card
4. I would prefer the power cord port to be on the side rather than at the back
5. Buy it and tell me more :)
Overall I believe I made a right decision. - Asus - Asus Laptop - I7-2630qm'
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