For the first few months we were trying to conceive I spent an estimated $400 plus dollars on store-bought HPTs (home pregnancy tests) & OPKs (Ovulation Prediction Kits)...then an 8 month pregnant friend told me she had used the test strip cheapies for both so I have switched over. To ensure I didn't miss my fertile period by using a cheaper product for the first month I used 2 different brands of store bought OPKs plus the cheap OPK test strips and compared the performance of all three (on every day of testing). It worked perfectly (and was actually more sensitive than one of the expensive store brands) so I would absolutely recommend anyone wondering if they should switch over to do so immediately!
P.S Just in case you don't get the instructions (I did) you can apply the same instructions for any other tests - dip for 5 seconds, wait for 5 minutes (although you will usually see a result within a minute or two)etc. For the OPK the test line must be as dark, or darker, than the Control Line (and the Control Line is always the line farthest from the end that you dip in your pee). For the HPT the same rule applies (regarding placement of the Control Line)..and remember a faint test line is a positive! And don't read the results after 5-10 minutes (no matter how tempting it may be!). Combo Pack 40 (LH) Ovulation Tests + 10 (HCG) Pregnancy Test Strips
These strips are extremely inexpensive and accurate! They arrived only a couple of days after I placed my order. The very easy to read instructions were emailed to me, which I thought was a little bit strange. They are in individually sealed packets and then taped together with packaging tape, so you have to be careful pulling them apart. They are a little bit messy because you dip the strip (without any type of cover)in urine, and then lay it on a flat surface. This wasn't too bad because I used the back of the toilet and cleaned it when I was done. I would say the little bit of extra effort was well worth it because of the price. These strips cost a fraction of the ones in the drug store. And, I found them to be just as accurate (if not more so). After using them for only one cycle I am now pregnant!!! I would highly recommend these strips.
The test strips are easy to use and are a great value compared to drug store prices. The only problem I had was that they e-mail the directions and there was a problem the first time they tried to send them to me. The tests are very self explainitory, but the directions do give answers to a few questions that might be handy.
The strips come all stuck together which is kind of inconvenient. I took five or ten minutes when I got them to separate them and put them in a couple of sandwich bags (one for the ovulation strips and one for the pregnancy strips)and put them in the cupboard in the bathroom. This just saved time and annoyance later. A small basket or storage container would work just as well. Also, if you don't normally keep paper cups in your bathroom, it's a good idea to buy a box/bag of the smallest size bathroom cups and keep them handy too. I wouldn't go for the most expensive or the bigger sizes because its a waste. I just got the 3 ounce store brand and they work fine.
As some other reviewers have stated, these are not the easiest test strips to use, and the results are not as clear as you'd like to see. I don't think I ever got a pink line that was exactly as dark as the control line; mostly I got faint lines for several days. I did always get the control line. What confused me for the first few months is that there is no clear 'ramping up' of the darkness of the lines. For example, I might get faint pink lines for 4 days, then suddenly I would get a much darker line the next day, and only for a very brief period of time-- if I hadn't tested at exactly the right time on the right day, I would have missed it all together. In fact, I'm positive this is what happened for the first few months.
Did it work? Yes, it did-- I'm currently about 10 weeks pregnant. But it took several tries to figure out the variables and I missed the ovulation window more than once.
The idea of repeatedly spending $15-$22 for something you pee on seemed outrageous to me, so I began searching for a more affordable option. I came across this product and figured, for the low price, I'd try it out despite being iffy of the quality.
The package arrived very quickly, and contained 40 ovulation strips, 10 pregnancy tests, as well as thorough instruction leaflets for both.
*** After reading/following the directions carefully ***, I tried an ovulation test. It was clearly negative. A few weeks and a handful of negatives later, I do admit I worried that the tests were invalid and feared the price was just too good to be true. Then, BAM, a positive. The tests I'd used 2 days leading up to my positive were a little confusing, but that's only because I wasn't sure what I was looking for. Don't worry, when you see a positive, it's clear as day!
I used these ovulation tests for 3 months or so. I have been waiting until I needed the included pregnancy tests before writing my review, and now that I've had a chance to use them, I can tell you how wonderful they are!
I took my first pregnancy test at midnight (the very beginning of the day that would be the start of my expected period), yes I'm impatient, and I got a positive! At first the second line was faint, so I took another one later that night. The test line darkened significantly. The next day, my doctor confirmed the pregnancy!
I'm so very impressed with this product. The amount you get for the price is fantastic, and the quality is great. These strips are exactly what they should be for their purpose. Nothing fancy, but effective and affordable. It is the perfect option for those of you with irregular cycles where you are going to need many tests to pinpoint your day of ovulation. I also think it was very thoughtful of them to also toss in 10 additional pregnancy tests which work just as well.
Note: The minor inconvenience of having to pee in a little cup was just that, minor. As mentioned earlier, the confusion of results can be a little frustrating, but the confusion instantly dissipates once you actually SEE what a positive looks like. After that, it's easy to recognize.
Don't hesitate to purchase! - Fertility - Pregnancy Test Strips - Conception - Natural Family Planning'
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