If you want a clock that is difficult if not impossible to see from across the room, or one that has a tail that should swing but doesn't, or one that is made of such thin plastic you fear it breaking when changing the batteries...then this is the clock for you. On the plus side, the few times that I actually got close enough to see the hands on the clock, the time was accurate. It may look like the kit kat clock of your youth, but it is a piece of over priced junk. Kit-Cat Wall Clock, Black
Even though I did not buy this at Amazon after reading the numerous reviews I felt compelled to write to let people know the clock needs to be slightly angled forward, to strike the right balance, for the eyes and tail to move. I have had my KIt Cat Clock at least 15 years with no operational problems. But, there is a trick to keep the eyes and tail moving. I have it hung on a nail with a small head and the head of the cat is angled slightly forward with the bottom / paws against the wall. You need to move the cat's head forward ever so slightly outwards from the nail and give the tail a slight tap and it should wag with no problem. You may need to experiment, gently, to get the right angle and balance but once correctly positioned the eyes and tail will move until the batteries need to be changed.
the purchase of this clock has made checking the time a treat. while it seemed a bit on the cheap or flimsy side when I removed it from the box, the instructions, which are well-written, allowed easy assemblage. [the parts that control movement of the eyes seemed particularly flimsy; I am on the clumsy side, so I was sure to handle the clock gently.]
I installed the batteries, put the back on the cat, and waited. nothing. so I took the back off, put it on again, and when I hung it this time, it worked like a charm. the eyes move back and forth and the tail waves gently, just as it should. there is also no loud 'ticking' sound from the clock: it runs quietly, with a soothing, 'old fashioned' ticking sound, which is nice; I am a light sleeper. and it is such a darling, sweet bit of Americana. I am really VERY pleased with my purchase. keeps great time, and though I don't anticipate any problems, there are instructions and advice on what to do if the clock malfunctions. if you are on the fence about this purchase, I'd say: buy it. it's a great, darling clock!!
I have had a Kit-Cat clock for about 10 years and it never fails to bring pleasure, and positive comments. Very reliable clock with Alkaline batteries. Must be level, otherwise, is cantankerous. Runs about 9+ months on one pair of C's before tail stops wagging. Cannot imagine the kitchen without my old friend now. I have owned two Kit-Cats and given a third as a gift. Great buy. Great clock.
I LOVE this clock, so I was severely disappointed when it arrived and didn't work! The animation refused to function, no matter what I did (even going through the substantial list of recommended tweaks the company offered me after I complained). Worse, it stopped keeping time after about 12 hours. I replaced the batteries twice with brand new ones, and continued to have the problem. Customer service told me that they *do not do refunds* but would replace my clock with a new one if I shipped the defective one back to them. I had to pay for shipping (again) and insurance, but they had a fast turnaround time and shipped me a new clock quickly.
This one, the second, is fabulous! The eyes and tail have been going for over 8 hours, when the last clock would only move for about 8 seconds. The time seems accurate, too. I hope that it continues to work, because it makes me smile and I love having it in my kitchen. :)
Pros: looks just like the original Kit Kat Klock I remember from childhood, continuous animation (when clock is not defective), super cute, accurate time, customer service was quick to respond
Cons: expensive, scarily thin plastic components, no refunds from company, no way to tell if your clock is defective upon arrival and it can be very frustrating trying to get it to work, have to pay shipping twice if exchanged
This is a wonderful product, and great for all ages. My husband bought it for me for Valentines day after I told him I had wanted one since I was a child. It was a reproduction, but it still works wonderfully. I've had no problems with mine at all! - Wagging Tail - Wall Clocks - Felix - Kit Cat Clock'
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