Murad was the only thing that did anything for my face besides Accutane. If you are thinking of trying it, keep in mind a few things about this product. Plan to use it for a full 60 days because I really didn't see any real change until about 4 weeks into the routine but when it works it really works. It did a great job at keeping breakouts at bay, and I used to break out almost every day of the week. So that was really exciting, and it's slowly starting to clear up blemishes that I've had for years. Murad Acne Complex Kit/ for problem skin ($100 Value) 60 day supply
I've tried tons of products over the years to clear up my acne, but nothing has worked as well as the Murad. I have very sensitive skin and it hasn't dried it out one bit. You'll start to see the effects about 2 weeks after using it, but it really kicks in about a month later. My 2 month supply is less than 1/4 of the way gone, so it'll last me about 4-5 months. Definitely worth every penny.
I love this stuff. I am in my fifties and yes, I still have break outs. I always have. Murad works on all ethics. I have been using Murad for about four years now. It is the only thing that I have found that really works for me. No longer do I need to worry about going to the doctor and risking taking medicines that might cause reactions. No more waste of money. For me Murad is just right. It has no junk to cause my skin to have rashes and such. Once you use it keep using it. At first your skin might break out more, but don't freak out, it will get better. That is what it is suspose to do. Don't give up. I hope others will have the success that I have. This was one info commerical that I was glad I gave a second look.
Ps, you might want to shop around for better prices. I do shop at Amazon because, I have found very good prices. Best of luck on your skin's success.
Acne Complex is a great product, I felt the difference in my face with the initial use of the cleaner. I love that you don't have to have any extra tools to apply any of the products, some of the products out there you have to have a cotton ball or something to apply the toner etc. At first I didn't know if I would be able to use the product twice a day, my skin is very sensitive, I could feel a couple of spots that felt dry, but they didn't look dry. I have been looking forward to using it twice a day, and it is the first acne product, that I could actually use 2 times a day as directed. So it is definitely worth the purchase, and as the other review said, it does go a bit further than the 30 days, or 60 days, which makes it that much more of a great value. I tried Klear Action and Acne Free, and my face broke out so badly, I couldn't continue to use it no matter what. I think Klear Action and Acne Free are actually the same product, that's just my guess. I tried them both months apart, with the same reaction...
Using the kit got me clear skin in just two days. It's been rather miraculous. Murad has a lot of active ingredients in it so I would be careful not to use any of the products too often at first to avoid redness and over-drying. So far, I am very pleased.
I have been using the kit for six weeks now and I did have one major breakout, but I know why I broke out and it's not the products' fault. My theory of skin care is that you need balance. If your skin is overly dry it will start creating too much oil to compensate and that is what gives me breakouts. While I was using all four products 2x a day, I took a plane flight (drying) and had a cold and took Claratin D (super drying). My skin got too dry and I broke out. I used a couple of masks and it cleared up in a few days.
At any rate, after trying all four products, I have bought full sizes of the Clarifying Cleanser and Exfoliating Acne Treatment Gel. I think these are excellent products. I'm going to go back to using my old moisturizer, which I love.
I found the Acne Spot Treatment to be ineffective and will be using a Benzoyl Peroxide product for that purpose as it doesn't irritate my skin.
I hope that this is helpful.
This is a great product. There is a minimal purging period (5-7 days) which is short for most acne treatment systems. It doesn't dry your skin out like other popular treatment systems. And Step 2 works amazingly well! Every time I use it, all bumps go away. But being a woman it doesn't help with those pesky monthly breakouts. But overall very fast acting, very effective system. I would recommend it to anyone who is struggling with a current system or cannot find an effective system. It is relatively inexpensive for the quality it is. And you do not need to use much of the product at a time. A dime size amount is ample. So it should last quite some time, even with twice daily usage.
I'm a 27 year old woman, and after pregnancy my face changed. My face became very oily on my t-zone and my cheeks got dry. I also stared breaking out all the time. So I decided to try Murad, It was very harsh on my skin. The products have a very strong smell. I used it as indicated for 4 days and my skin was so dry and irritated that it started peeling. I continued to breakout so I discontinued use. =(
I'm 43 years old and previously had mild breakouts a couple of days a month. After using these products (The starter kit & Mask) for a couple of weeks, my skin looked worse than ever, so I called their customer service number. They said that some people look worse at first bacause all of the impurities are coming to the surface, but that with continued use my skin would stay clear. Three months later, I didn't look any better.
After going back to my cheap drug store products, I'm back to breaking out only during my period.
I bought this kit once when I was in middle school and once again in college.
It hadn't worked the first time but I had hoped it would possibly work the second time I purchased it.
But it didn't..
The first couple days I used it, my skin felt soft and refreshed. But then my skin began to break out like crazy. I was aware that this was a stage and would get better after a few weeks. Yet my skin continued to get worse for 5 weeks. It got so bad that I got many scars on my face when I hadn't before. I had to finally stop using it because I feared the scars would get worse. I got a refund from the company.
Good- skin feels soft and refreshed. Do like the mask and cleanser. Company was pleasant to deal with
Bad- Made acne worse, made face greasier - Acne Kit - Face Treatments - Skin Care - Acne'
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