I wanted to purchase an tv that didn't break the bank, but met my criteria of
40-42", multiple HDMI input, PC input, 1080p, 120hz and this fit the bill. I stayed away from plasma because to me the LCD picture quality is much crisper and I stayed away from LED because for the same sized LCD I can get a bigger screen.
Note: The room that this tv resides in is 11' by 15' and it sits 8' away from the couch. The size is just right for the room.
Initial Setup
Setup was very easy and I was up and running within minutes of taking the tv out of the box. I had to install the included stand and then set a couple of options and the date once the unit was powered on. The stand base is made out of plastic but is connected to the tv with a metal bracket. That said, when we first set the tv on the console it wobbled and I was concerned at first, but after a few days, I already forgot that it initially wobbled, so this was a non-issue. The unit itself is beautiful with a black plastic frame with a glossy finish. It should be noted that the tv monitor itself sits very low with the stand, once installed, there is a 1.5" clearance from whatever the tv is sitting on and the bottom of the monitor itself, there is no way to adjust the height.
Remote Control
The remote control is standard, nothing fancy. I like the over-sized volume and channel buttons, very easy to find without looking at the remote.
Please keep in mind my room size above. The sound from the speakers are very good. Volume ranges from 0 to 100. When I want to immerse myself in a movie, I set the volume at 45, otherwise I set the volume between 25 and 30. Just don't expect surround sound from them and you won't be disappointed.
There are 5 presets in the Picture Menu: Standard, Cinema, Game, Custom and Vivid. I wasn't a fan with the Standard, Game and Cinema presets. After playing around with the settings, I settled on a Custom preset I liked.
Picture Quality
I have my PS3 connected via HDMI and watching 1080p movies on this tv is stunning. I watched Pixar's UP on blu-ray and the quality is surreal, it's so life-like that it almost looks 3D, I noticed myself paying attention to little details in the movie that I never saw before. Even watching non-1080p video is great, 120hz just makes everything smooth. I also have my Roku connected via HDMI and streaming HD content is great, the only downside with HD is that when you watch non-HD content, it's quite noticeable, but very much watchable on this tv.
There is a Game preset and the tv states that this is optimized for gaming, however, I found that I preferred playing games on my Custom preset. I played FF XIII and Uncharted 2 and the quality is great. My guess is that the "optimized for gaming" is mainly for games FPS games, where every millisecond counts... but that's just my guess.
Turning Off 120hz
A frequent complaint I've been reading regarding 120hz units is that it looks like a soap opera. I can confirm this initial impression, but you do get accustomed to it and I actually like it now. There is an Advanced picture option Motion Picture Pro 4 that can be set to Off, Weak or Strong. I like it, so I leave it on Strong.
Viera Tools
The remote control has a dedicated Viera Tools button and when pressed, it shows you 5 options: Viera Link, Slideshow, Viera Image Viewer, Game Mode and Eco. Here's my thoughts on those options...
1. Viera Link: since I didn't own any compatible products, I don't have any feedback on this tool. I guess to me it's useless.
2. Slideshow: the unit has an SD card slot, so you can load pictuers and run a slideshow. You can set the soundtrack of the slideshow to one of 5 music tracks built-in to the tv. Other slideshow options you can set are transition effect (11 types, including collage), photo effect (sepia and gray scale) and display interval. Display interval is the speed of the slideshow, it can be set to Fast, Normal, Slow, Very slow and Short. Setting this option to Short would transition the 9 MP photos I have on my SD card every 8 to 9 seconds, which seems like good performance for a tv.
3. Viera Image Viewer: this previews the photos in the SD card, which is pretty fast. You can sort by month, folder or date and then run the slide show based on the sort. Neat.
4. Game Mode: You can either choose Game or Standard. Selecting Game just sets the preset to Game. Unless it does something more then I'm not aware of it, then it seems useless.
5. Eco: You can set options for "No signal for 10 minutes" and "No activity for 3 hours". Basically, you can set whether it stays on or turns off for those options.
Of the 5 tools above, it is the Slideshow that I found most useful and would likely use frequently. It was just so easy to load pictures on the SD card, press the SD Card button on the remote and run the slideshow with the soundtrack. It can also detect landscape versus portrait, so the pictures are shown with the correct orientation. My wife and I watched our wedding photos through this tool, we easily got lost in great memories... :-)
PC Input
This is not Plug and Play (PnP). When I attached the VGA cable from my netbook, the screen size defaulted to 1024x768. After searching through the menu options, I was able to find the PC adjustments section that allowed me to change the resolution to one of the following: 1024x768, 1280x768 and 1366x768. I tried it on 1366x768, but I was getting some noise at the bottom of the screen, setting it on 1280x768 input resolution worked fine, though I had to adjust the horizontal and vertical position to see the entire screen.
This was a nice unexpected feature. I can set 5 different times when the TV either turns on or off. I will use this feature when I am out of town and want to make it seem like someone is home.
Unused Features
I already mentioned that I do not use the Viera Link tool, as I do not have compatible devices. Other features I will not use are the Closed caption and Password setting. The password feature would be useful for parents. If set, access to channels/shows can be disabled based on content. So if a particular channel has a program that is TV-14 that has Sexual or Violence content, it can be blocked. Access to input selection can be password protected as well. Pretty neat.
I am very happy with this purchase. The picture quality is great, especially 1080p content. The sound from the built-in speakers is very good. The slideshow tool that allows the tv to show pictures loaded in the built-in SD card slot was a welcome feature and performance was surprisingly good.
Note: For those concerned with heat, it gives off fairly little heat for the size of the unit. When LCD's first came out, I purchased a 26" unit and that sucker was able to heat up my entire bedroom. Panasonic VIERA TC-L42U30 42-Inch 1080p 120Hz LCD HDTV - 120hz - 1080p - 42 Inch - 40 Inch Hdtv'
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